
  • 150

    Early Church

    Baptism was a once and for all entry into the church. MOst sins could be forgiven through fasting, prayer and good work. If someone commited a very serious mortal sin they would be excomunicated from the church forever.
  • 250

    250 C.E onwards

    The church changed the rule so that any sin was forgiveable if they repented their actions. canonical penance was introduced in which they had to publicly confess their sin. enrol in the order of penitents followed by a day in which tehy would wear a sack and be covered in ashes.
  • 250

    250 C.E beliefs

    the proccess of Canonical Penance could only happen once. after that there was no more forgiveness. it could only happen for three types of sin, breaking marriage vows, murder or giving up thje faith.
  • 400

    400 C.E

    Monks came up with the idea of private penance in which the monks confess their sins to the abbott who would give them spiritual guidance.
  • 400

    400 C.E beliefs

    could be done as many times as you want during life.
  • Oct 22, 1000

    1000 C.E

    The confession of someones sins and the performance often was severe, penances led to the general disuse of reconciliation.
  • Oct 22, 1000

    1000 C.E

    Penance was listed as the fourth of seven sacraments.
  • 1900CE

    People wishing to confess were allowed to do so in private.
    Was meant for communal and general confessions. Could be done in a group for communal celebrations but the confession would be done in private.