4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences
When I was nine years old, my parents divorced but they remained friends and lived about 3 miles between each other. I believe that this assisted me with my secure attachment style because I never felt like either would be leaving me and that I could depend on them if I needed to. My parents and their houses were my safe haven. -
1.1 The Beginning
I believe that I became an adult when I was in high school because that is right around the time I had faced a few of my nonnormative life events. I was about 13 years old at the time. Some of my nonnormative life events included eating disorders, being involved with a police case as a witness, and facing the aftermath of my parents' divorce and how to handle being a big sister, taking care of her and handling school at the same time. I believe I became an adult at this time. -
7.3 Major Life Event
On the date entered, my grandfather passed away in his sleep and his death impacted all of us deeply. My coping style was social coping, in which I spent time with my family and watched old home videos with my grandfather in them. We ate his favorite dinner food and ice cream. I was able to get plenty of emotional support. This was a very effective coping style. -
4.1 Young Adult Role Transition
For me, I was able to experience emerging adulthood (age 18-25 which is typical) when I was finishing up my first year at community college. I had been exploring my identities, my possibilities, and focusing on myself, in a non-selfish way. I was able to become more independent, start working a part time job on my own, without my parents' assistance.I also was more involved with my community and considering moving out of my parents' houses.I was not used to the freedom and needed to be cautious. -
7.2 Transitions
I experienced a specific transition, conformist to individualistic, unintentionally, when I left home for my marriage and to move to DC for college. This triggered for a transition that was new but provided many opportunities to grow and be able to experience new things. I believe that this fits with what the texbook describes perfectly. -
6.4 The Impulsive Stage
In the same video for the previous timeline, it is mentioned that her great aunt was moved impulsively to an orphanage with her three siblings and that her father did not think of anything about that. Impulsive actions are usually done with no thought processing. For me, this occurred when I was 21 years old, deciding to move to DC by car. We randomly picked a day to leave. That was impulsive of me since I am a "planner" for everything. -
2.3- My current healthy lifestyle
My current healthy lifestyle definitely could be better-I do not eat enough vegetables or fruits each day, exercise enough, or use sunscreen enough (considering I am from California). I don't have a sedentary lifestyle but I am not very active either, due to being so busy with school, work, internship, and my sorority. I would love to improve my lifestyle by eating more fruits and vegetables, as well as exercise more, especially swimming. I do not smoke or drink so that is a positive thing too. -
4.3 Adult Attachment Style
My results was that I was very secure. I feel comfortable with being dependable on others and having them dependable on me. An example of that is my mother. I depend on her a lot for emotional support when it comes to school and she depends on me for financial assistance sometimes, which I am comfortable with. I don't worry about being alone, especially because I am married and have a big family. -
7.1 Fowler
I believe that the conjuctive faith stage fits my lifestyle the best, even though that it is not typical for one to find before midlife, but I have accepted that there is more than one truth, more than one truth for each person, and the truth is not always fixed. I am very involved with my community in San Diego, CA and I have an interest in helping others (commitment and service to others). I am involved with Delta Zeta which commits to being involved in community service to others. -
6.1 My RIASEC Type
My results from the test were that I was focused on becoming involved with careers that were social, conventional, and enterprising. However, social was the highest score. I believe that it meets with me because I love to interact with people and be able to help/provide advice. I also love planning. Some of the careers provided were wedding planner and credit counselors. I believe that this fits with what I want to pursue, eventually. -
2.1 Oxidative Damage
When I am 25 years old, all of h=the oxidative damage will enter in my system, including free radicals. Those are all of the damage that I have done in my life, including diet, sunlight, x-rays, and air pollution. When I used to be a kid, I would spend hours in the sun and I would eat horribly. When I am 25, these damage will set in and start to wear my repair functions. It will help if I eat plenty of antioxidants to prevent that from happening. I will need to watch my diet carefully as well. -
2.2- Genetic Limits
When I am 27 years old, we should all be willing to give some of our cells from our body so we can have our cells start their process (replicative senescence) and after the cells stop dividing, we can come up with a strategy to put the cells back in our bodies. This could help the rest of our body produce more cells, until we hit the stage, Hayflick limit, so we don't live too long to the point where we become miserable. This will help us indicate primary aging results when we reach the limit. -
4.2- Older Adult Role Transition
Becoming a parent is an exciting, terrifying, and wonderful experience that I hope to experience after a few years of working and with my marriage. I do expect to experience this at a typical age, (20's to 30's-I will be 29). I believe that the challenges with this are making sure we are stable with our financial and home, and finding someone to surrogate for me since I cannot have kids on my own. I believe that this event will help me experience a stage in older adult role transition. -
6.2 Super’s Stages
I choose Maintenance which occurs at the age between 45-65. The date I have entered is for when I turn 45. Using the concepts from Super's stages, I believe that when I am in the maintenance stage of wedding planning, I most likely will want to travel and expanse my company more. I would want to use new concepts and trends into the planning designs part. I would be more likely be well-known in the wedding planner community as well as the bridal community. -
2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle
My current health lifestyle presents a risk for one of the health conditions described, which is cancer. I have a healthy diet but not enough of fruits or vegetables in my diet and I have unprotected exposure to strong sunlight. Honestly, I have nothing preventing me from changing my habits in order to have a better lifestyle when I am an older adult. I will start now, though. I do not drink, smoke, eat junk food, and have no history of anything in my family.This will help me bad health choices. -
6.3 Generativity
Generativity in Erikson's psychosocial development fit one of the classmates' life history presentations about her great-aunt. She experienced changes between generations in which lead to "concern of establishing and guiding the next generation" (Bjorklund, 253). Her great-aunt lived through the civil right movements and that obviously changed between generations. For me, I would be 50 years old and I can predict that there will be many changes between generations, possibly same-sex marriages. -
3.1-Working Memory
In 2051, I will be sixty years old. I believe that my working memory will decline, especially my ability to process in a timely manner. I will struggle with processing information in my mind and understanding the information given to me. I might struggle with how to cook something new or something more complicated. This is something I could slow down by writing it down on a paper and having the recipe by me when I cook. I could rely on my semantic memory along with the rules of cooking. -
3.2-Problem Solving
I believe that this will be a challenge for me as I become older because problem-solving skill is one of the most important skills in life to have. This can and probably will affect my episodic memory because this memory will help me recall events in which I could remember how to solve problems. For example, if there is an accident and I need to be able to call 911, this could affect my memory in which I would not understand how to get assistance. I could have someone with me, to drive me. -
8.1 The End
Rebecca Lynn Jasinski (Ingram)
Born in Miami, FL on June 7, 1991
Married Holden Dane Jasinski in CA on June 15, 2012
Died on August 19, 2070 in San Diego, CA due to old age
Gallaudet University in Psi Chi and Delta Zeta Sorority
Rebecca was a very kind and giving woman who loved animals, being with her family, and her husband of 58 years. She loved the community & being involved with animal shelters. Her husband was the love of her life whom she met in college. She passed away peacefully.