Rivkah From 1984 and Beyond!

By rgood7
  • My Birth

    Born to a Jewish Mother who actively practiced Judaism.
  • Consecration

    Receiving my little Torah at my shul in St. Thomas.
  • Family Bridge Family Education Project

    Gesher shel Mishpacha with my mom and aunt. Holding the Torah for the first time.
  • Memorial Service for my Aunt

    Rabbi Brad Boxman helping me navigate the concepts of death and greif.
  • Moved to Atlanta

    My family and I found ourselves without a Jewish community.
  • Camp Isadore Alterman

    First jewish camp experience.
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    Worked at JCC Camps

    Counselor and eventually assistant unit head.
  • New Shul: The Temple

    Mom and I join a congregation in Atlanta.
  • Madricha at The Temple

  • Adult B'nei Mitzvah at age 17

    At The Temple
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    Sunday School Teacher at the Temple

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    HUC: Master's in Jewish Ed.

    Applied, was accepted, began my year in Israel. Returned to Atlanta a month later. The timing wasn't right for me. I wasn't ready to live across the world with no family or support.
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    Hebrew & Judaics Teacher

    At largest Reform Day School in North America
  • Began work on my M. JED at Hebrew College

  • Began work at The Temple as Hebrew & Jewish Life Educator