Reading timeline

  • Sam Books

    Sam Books
    My introduction to reading was through Sam Books. I remember completing all of them by the time kindergarten had finished.
  • First real connection with a book

    First real connection with a book
    This was the first book I felt an emotional connection to. I still remember the sadness I felt when I read it.
  • Mrs. Onstead

    Mrs. Onstead
    Mrs. Onstead was my 3rd grade teacher. She was the first teacher I had that made reading fun. We had a designated reading time which she encouraged us to bring a pillow or blanket so we can get cozy and comfortable with our books. She made reading a relaxing experience for me.
  • Book Fair

    Book Fair
    The book fairs in school were always so much fun. I loved filling out my paper and anticipating getting my order of books.
  • First Library Card

    First Library Card
    My Grandma and Grandpa took me to get my first library card when I was 10. I remember the first book that I had ever checked out was a language book called, "French for Cats". I remember feeling very independent with my library card.
  • Diary of Anne Frank

    Diary of Anne Frank
    This was the first memoir that I ever read. I remember feeling a closeness to Anne Frank because she was close to my age at the time I read her book.
  • First young adult book

    First young adult book
    I was 14 when I read, "The Virgin Suicides" by Jeffrey Eugenides. It is still one of my favorites. It was one of the first books I remember reading that I just couldn't put down. I think this is where my love for books began.
  • My Uncle the author

    My Uncle the author
    My Uncle Jimmy wrote 2 books about his life as a doctor and the 2 years he lived in Kenya. I always thought I knew my Uncle very well, until I read his books. I looked at him like he was a superhero afterwards. I realized then that people can sometimes express themselves better through written words and how meaningful those words can be.
  • College

    My first year of college was when I noticed my personal reading activity becoming more scarce. I only had time to read what was assigned in my classes.
  • My Nephew Asher

    My Nephew Asher
    My nephew loves books and I love to read to him. It is really amazing to see a child light up when they are being read to. It reminds me that all forms of literature are magical. As a future educator I hope I can convey the feeling of happiness that reading has brought me to them.