My Birthday!
I was born on Decemebr 11, 1992. This is the very first time that I heard voices of those around me. -
December 11, 1992 - 1994
During this time in my life i was being read to by my parents, brother, and extended family members. -
Period: to
Reading Narrative Timeline
Being Read to at Bedtime
When I think about reading in my life, the first thing I remember is being read to before bed. Since I was the youngest and mom and dad were getting me used to sleeping in my own bed, we would always read in my room. My mom, dad, and I would sit in my bed under the covers and my brother would lie on top of the covers at the end of the bed. The books were usually something that Bryan picked out. Mom always wanted him to read the books out loud but he never would, so usually mom or dad read them -
Books on Tape
In the mornings when my mom and I would take Bryan to school, we would always listen to a book on tape. I never really minded this, but Bryan hated it with a passion. We would drop him off, run a few errands and then go back to the house. ( This event spans for serveral years) -
First book I read
The first books I ever remembered reading were these books in a box. They were called “Bob Books”. I remember them being different colors based on what level they were. More importantly, I remember hating these books. I could not wait until I did not have to read them anymore. Along with reading those books, we had flashcards with words on them that we would do every single day. I did not mind the flashcards, but after a while they definitely got old. -
Reading outloud at bedtime
As I began to become a better reader, mom and dad would let me read the book out loud at night. Bryan never complained about this, but he never volunteered to read out loud. I would like to think it was because he wither enjoyed me reading out loud or didn’t think he was as good of a reader as me. -
Current Reading
As I got into high school, I continued reading just about anything. Like today, I don’t really have a favorite author, style, genre, or series (though John Green would be close), I just enjoying reading. I would read things that were recommended to me by a teacher or what the Barnes and Noble website thought I might like. It was in high school that I developed a love for newspapers. My dad gets them at home and I would read them every day.