Reading History Timleine

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    Eric Carle books I found were the first books I were introduced to in my early Elementary school years.
  • No David!

    No David!
    No, David! was also another book that I distinctly being read to when I was in my early Elementary years.
  • Dork Diaries

    Dork Diaries
    When we had to get books from the library, I also chose dork diaries because I enjoyed looking at the pictures.
  • Tangerine

    This was a book that we had to read in Middle school, I remember being confused on what the concept of the book was.
  • The Giver

    The Giver
    This was another book I had to read in my Middle school English class but I actually enjoyed this one.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    This was one of the books I had to read in High school English class but I remember enjoying it and couldn't wait to go to class.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    This was also something I read in High school, but I had a lot of difficulty reading it and did not enjoy it much. I think now because it just was not what I was interested in.
  • Don Quixote

    Don Quixote
    This is one of the more memorable readings I was introduced in my college course and it was a different direction to what I was used to being introduced to.
  • This Bridge Called My Back

    This Bridge Called My Back
    This was anthology that I was introduced to in my class semester class and this book represent so much that I will always go back to read it.
  • Zong!

    This is a book that I am reading now for my class and I added it because it is one of the hardest books I have read but it shows where I am now compared to where I was.