Reading History Timeline

  • My Reading Journey Begins

    My Reading Journey Begins
    I began reading in Kindergarten. I was a pretty quick learner, I didn't have any major issues with reading growing up.
  • Excitement Emerges

    Excitement Emerges
    My second-grade teacher Mrs.Monzano influenced my excitement for reading with her story-telling.
  • Seeking Challenges

    Seeking Challenges
    In third grade, I was at an 8th-grade reading level. I often searched for books with high reading levels to earn library points that could be redeemed for treasures.
  • Popcorn Reader

    Popcorn Reader
    I was a pretty strong reader so I was selected consistently during popcorn reading throughout my Elementary school years.
  • Forced turns to Fun

    Forced turns to Fun
    In fourth grade, my teacher Mrs.Crawford wouldn't let us play without dedicating some time to reading. I didn't enjoy it at first because it was forced reading. I would have rather played games but I developed a love for Harry Potter books.
  • Book Obsessed

    Book Obsessed
    I became book-obsessed in 6th grade. I was so invested in fantasy books, it was all I read. My English teacher Ms.Clark had a major influence on my love for creative writing so it made sense that I was so into fantasy books.

    When high school came around, reading started to feel like a chore. I was assigned so many readings, I didn't have much time to read on my own time.
  • Best English Teacher Ever

    Best English Teacher Ever
    My sophomore year English teacher Mr.Zaldana helped reignite my excitement to read! We read Things Fall Apart that year and I had never read anything like that before. It was a great new experience.
  • Reading After High School

    Reading After High School
    After high school, I took a gap year to work full-time. I was motivated to read since I wasn't doing anything outside of work.
  • Reading in College

    Reading in College
    The amount of reading assigned in my college courses often made me feel buried. It became boring and frustrating. I made little to no time for personal reading and instead used social media for entertainment.
  • Pandemic Pastime

    Pandemic Pastime
    Since there wasn't much to do, reading slipped back into my daily life. I was reading so much, more than ever! Colleen Hoover was pretty trendy so I read a lot of her books throughout this time!
  • Now

    Now I read when I can, but most of my reading is for assignments. I'm beginning to feel buried again. I look forward to reading for fun in the near future!