Reading history featured 1

Gabriella's Reading History Timeline

  • Preschool Days

    Preschool Days
    I had separation anxiety when I was little. Every time my mom would drop me off at preschool I always cry. It got to the point where she has to pick me up in the principal's office. I always enjoyed the books they have in the office but I was just looking at the pictures and I had no idea what the story was about. That's when I knew I wanted to learn to read.
  • Little Red Riding Hood

    Little Red Riding Hood
    On a good day, sometimes I am able to sit through a whole school day without looking for my mom. My teacher, Ms. Ellen introduced us to Little Red Riding Hood. I remember her reading it to us and I really enjoyed it. I even told the story to my baby sister who was 2 yrs old at the time.
  • Dr. Seuss's ABC

    Dr. Seuss's ABC
    My dad works overseas and he always sends me and my sister educational books. I was in Kindergarten when I received Dr. Seuss's ABC book. It helped me pronounce the letters easier because I would read it every night and sometimes I even go over it with my little sister.
  • Green Eggs and Ham

    Green Eggs and Ham
    Another book that was given to me by my dad. I remember my mom would read it to me and my sister every night. As my reading comprehension improves I was able to read it on my own.
  • Bible Stories in Catholic School: The Judgement of Solomon

    Bible Stories in Catholic School: The Judgement of Solomon
    I went to elementary school in the Philippines; San Francisco Parish School. I'm not religious, but I remember I always liked the stories from the bible in my Christian Living Class. One of my favorite story was about King Solomon and two women claiming that they are both the mother of a child. King Solomon tricked the women into showing their true feelings by using a clever tactic.
  • Harry Potter books

    Harry Potter books
    This book helped me get away and as I read every book, I feel that my imagination and vocabulary has gotten bigger.
  • Ex-Bf who is now an English teacher

    Ex-Bf who is now an English teacher
    We're amicable however I'd like to keep him under wraps. He is a great English teacher and showed me another side of literature. He introduced me to a variety of non-fiction books, dystopian fiction books and classics like The Great Gatsby.
  • My beautiful friend Stephanie

    My beautiful friend Stephanie
    I met her at work in Maui. She's one of the sweetest person I've ever met. I was going through some tough stuff in Hawaii and it was probably a darker time in my life (it's all over now). She introduced my to a lot of books to make one feel better like "Eat Pray Love" and "Spark Joy".
  • The Alchemist

    The Alchemist
    This book definitely showed me a different perspective in life. I loved everything about it. The books is about finding oneself and no matter what happens, the universe got your back. Because of The Alchemist I now look for books that are beautifully written and also helps you be more literate.
  • StarTalk Podcast with Neil deGrasse Tyson

    StarTalk Podcast with Neil deGrasse Tyson
    The podcasts mainly talks about scientific topics and are mostly intricate. I usually had to research the new information I learned from the podcast, which leads me to wanting to read and learn more about the new topic. Sometimes the show also have great book recommendations like Supintelligence (it was a hard read) and Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time.
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

    A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
    I am a big Science nerd and this book is probably my favorite non-fiction book. It tells you everything about the moon landing, discovery of pluto, the big bang theory, etc. Reading this book makes me feel like my mind is on this exploration journey about understanding about every single thing about our universe.
  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

    Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
    I used to think that literature was only just for English, but no I understand that it is essential for other subjects. The book helped me understand and explored the biology and history of our species.
  • Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson
    This is the book that I am currently reading. I am still learning about the nature of space-time-continuum. It is surprisingly an easy read.