Reading History

  • Read Junie B. Jones in 1st grade

    After getting one from the library in 1st grade, I loved the entire series
  • Read Key to the Treasure by Peggy Parish in 2nd grade

    I got this book from the library at school and it was one of my favorites
  • Read James and the Giant Peach

    This was the first book I ever read in my gifted class in 3rd grade. I was really excited to be in this new class and loved the book, and then afterwards we all got to dress up as one of the characters and create our own talk show.
  • Read the Harry Potter series

    In about 3rd grade, my mom started reading these books to me, and then afterwards I took over and started reading all of them myself over the years.
  • Read Series of Unfortunate Events

    In my gifted class in 4th grade, one of the boys was obsessed with Series of Unfortunate Events, and we all started reading them together which was really fun
  • Read the Westing Game

    We read this book in my gifted class in 5th grade, and it was one of my favorites I have ever read
  • Read Pretty Little Liars series

    When I was in 8th grade, my friend told me I should read these books and after the first I was obsessed. This was way before the show even came out, and I still read each new one that comes out today
  • Read Til We Have Faces

    The summer before my freshman year, we were assigned to read Til We Have Faces for a class assignment, and it was one of my least favorite books I've ever had to read
  • Read Jane Eyre in 9th grade

    In my Honors Freshman English class, I read this book and it was one of the first school assigned books that I really loved
  • Read the Hunger Games

    Last year after everyone was talking about the books and movies at school, I finally gave in and read the Hunger Games series, and really enjoyed it.