Reading History

  • Read to me...

    Read to me...
    I remember this book in particular, but my grandparents had the whole set.
  • Kindegarten

    My Favorite Days Were Library Days...
  • Rainy Days in the Library

    Rainy Days in the Library
  • My Favorite Thrift Store Finds

    My Favorite Thrift Store Finds
    I had most of the Illustrated Classics. The Three Musketeers was by far my favorite.
  • Reader Beware...

    Reader Beware...
  • As I got Older, I Shifted to the Edgier Titles

    As I got Older, I Shifted to the Edgier Titles
  • And then the "Master of Horror"

    And then the "Master of Horror"
  • But Then...

    But Then...
    NGL - I was one of the kids in line at Barnes and Noble for the midnight releases of books 3-7.
  • I still liked my Twisted Tales

    I still liked my Twisted Tales
  • The Stories that Save Our Lives...

    The Stories that Save Our Lives...
  • Even the Broken can be Heroes

    Even the Broken can be Heroes
  • Currently Reading

    Currently Reading
    A history about my grandfather's great uncle.