Dsc 0360

Reading History

  • 5 Years old

    5 Years old
    When I was five years old I began to learn how to read. Starting with small site word books.
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    I struggled with reading and comprehension. I did not understand what I would read.
  • 10 Years Old

    10 Years Old
    I loved reading Amelia Bedelia books however, I knew I was still behind grade level. I still struggled.
  • 15 years old

    15 years old
    I was a sophomore in high school when I was placed in a remedial reading class.
  • 18 years old

    18 years old
    Started reading self-help books. I liked these books because they were relatable.
  • 19 years old

    19 years old
    I started reading books about astrology. I like learning about our earth and how it affects us.
  • 21 years old

    21 years old
    I started reading books about people and biographies. By now I overcame my feeling of not being a good enough reader because I didn't care anymore.
  • 22 years old

    22 years old
    I started to enjoy reading and gained my self-confidence their reading books that I actually liked.
  • 25 years old

    25 years old
    I continued reading books that I enjoyed. I felt confident about what I was reading and I actually enjoy doing it.
  • 26-35

    Started having kids the only books I read were about babies and how they develop. I enjoyed reading them however, I missed reading books for fun.
  • 33

    I started back at school and now I only read textbooks.
  • 38

    I started teaching and now all I read is kids books. My favorite kids book is Charlotte's Web.