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Reading History

  • Began Reading

    Began Reading
    This is an important event because it is where my reading history began. When I was younger I do not have many memories of my parents reading to me.
  • I like this story.

    I like this story.
    I had a hard time in elementary school. There were very few things I liked about school. I struggled in most subjects. My mom was a single, working mom that had little time to help me with school. I don’t remember going to open houses or her attending conferences. However, when my second grade teacher read Charlotte’s Web to us, I felt like it was an escape. I couldn’t wait to hear more the next day. It is the first book I have a vivid memory of.
  • Began theatre

    Began theatre
    While I was in middle school and into high school, I began theatre. Reading plays was the first time I remember reading by choice and not because I had to. I was still a reluctant reader, however, I enjoyed the plays we performed.
  • Reading is not a chore.

    Reading is not a chore.
    My junior year in high school, my teacher Mr Stanizzi, helped me to find enjoyment in reading. He chose novels that hooked me in. In class it did not seem like a chore, we had fun discussions and relevant assignments.
  • Lost interest

    Lost interest
    When I began college out of high school, reading once again became something I did not enjoy. I read what I had to for my classes, well most of the time. I did not open a book unless it was a necessity.
  • Oh, baby!

    Oh, baby!
    In 2005, I had my first child. This meant I began reading to learn everything I could about raising a child. I dove into book after book to become an expert at parenting. Little did I know there is no such thing. However, I once again began to enjoy reading.
  • The race to read.

    The race to read.
    With my oldest child, I found myself in a race for him to do everything. From walking to talking to reading, I couldn’t wait for him to accomplish it. I had read to him every day since he was an infant, however now that was not wnough for me. His peers were beginning to read so he should too. I began working with him every night. I made the mistake of making reading work. Luckily, as he got older he still began to love reading.
  • I need to get away.

    I need to get away.
    Being a mom to three, having a husband that is working away from home for months at a time and having undiagnosed health isssues I needed an escape. I began reading novels to escape. Light, feel good books that would take my mind off of my everyday problems. I love reading for an escape now. I need my quiet time that takes me away from my everyday.
  • Whenever you are ready.

    Whenever you are ready.
    With my youngest child, I had learned that when a child is ready they will read. There is no race, being first does not matter. She was a reluctant reader. There was talk of holding her back in kindergarten, however by winter break she was catching up quickly. She is now in third grade and reads at a sixth grade level.
  • I have what?

    I have what?
    When things happen in your life there are many ways to react. For me, I began reading everything I could get my hands on. Internet articles, books, magazines anything that could help me win this battle. I had a reason to read and a reason to learn.
  • College as an adult.

    College as an adult.
    When I entered college for the second time around, I found I enjoy reading my textbooks. I love learning new things that will help me in the classroom. I don’t find most of my classes to be a chore, however there are a few. Mostly, reading for School is enjoyable.