Reading and Writing Timeline

  • The Library

    The Library
    When I was younger, I used to go with my grandma to the Milford Library once a week for story time. That's what got me into reading. I loved hearing the stories that the librarian would read us, and ever since I loved reading.
  • Learning the Alphabet

    Learning the Alphabet
    I learnt the alphabet in preschool. We were all assigned letters to sit on a carpet that said the alphabet. I remember getting into an argument with a kid about which one of us was actually assigned E (it was me, for sure). I still know that kid.
  • Learning to Write

    Learning to Write
    I learned to write in first grade. We used to do a writing activity every Monday and would have to write about what we did that weekend. It was mostly run-on sentences and misspellings.
  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    The Junie B. Jones series were my favorite books when I was younger. I read all of them at least three times and I owned almost all of them. I still have them all somewhere at my house. I loved those books and if I hadn't read them I might not have ever continued to enjoy reading.
  • Reading at a Higher Level

    Reading at a Higher Level
    In second grade, I was reading at a middle school level. I was one of the highest level readers in my class. What this meant was that I got to read stories that were slightly more elaborate and difficult to read.
  • Writing Stories

    Writing Stories
    Throughout Elementary School I would write stories about random stuff and draw illustrations to go along with them. I remember one was about a bird family or something. I would paperclip the pages together so that it would actually function as a book.
  • Maine

    I put the date as 2018, but it's really been every year. Every summer, my family and I go to Maine. There's a bookstore in town called Bridgton Books. Every year, this is the first stop my mom and I make. We usually buy two each and can usually read both of those by the end of the week while we are there. Maine is my favorite place to read, that's what I do most of the time that we are there and I always associate Maine with reading.
  • Essays

    Throughout Sophomore year, I progressed a lot as a writer. I wrote some of my best essays and by the end of the year I was getting close to 100's on pretty much all of my essays. My teacher even commented on how much I had grown as a writer.