
reading and writing history throughout school

By JohannQ
  • Period: to

    reading and writing throughout the years.

  • The very hungry caterpillar

    The very hungry caterpillar
    I remember when I was in first grade that my teacher Ms. Allison would read "The very hungry caterpillar" to my class. During those days it was my favorite book because it included the different colors and the book was a small book that you could interact with as you read so it was a pretty cool boo.
  • E- Book reading. Absolute best

    E- Book reading. Absolute best
    When I was small and was learning to read my school had desktops we could use to read E- books and if you were a good student the teacher would let students go and read at the spot all the computer were at. I remember I got to read on the computer a few times and my favorite book was "if you give a mouse a cookie". This book was my favorite because my mom gave it to me as a gift when I was small so every time I read on the computer I would read it so I could memorize it and I did.
  • Field trip era

    Field trip era
    I remember when I was in about third grade my school would go on field trips and then when we returned to school we would have to write summaries about the field trip and our favorite parts. I vividly remember when I was in third I had a field trip to the national guard and I had to write about the things they used and draw a picture.
  • First essayyyy

    First essayyyy
    When I was in 4th grade I remember my teacher gave me my first essay I had to do on any event I wanted and I chose to write about when I broke my wrist in kindergarten. I remember I was allowed to use pictures and I printed it and had to read it out loud to my class. I think remember this event so vividly because when I presented it I would stutter and I was just really embarrassed.
  • dairy of a wimpy kid

    dairy of a wimpy kid
    In about 6th grade the book fair would come to my school about every November and so I began to buy the Dairy of a wimpy kid book that would drop every year after that. I began to read more because of these books because they were more challenging and they had pictures so it wasn't just words so I would actually stay interested in the book. I think my favorite book of all time was "old school"
  • Free Writing

    Free Writing
    In 7th grade when I had free time with my friends we would sit down and write essays about anything we wanted and would then switch to read them. I think I started to like writing because I could express myself better. BUT only when it was about the topics I chose and not the ones we had to write in school.

    When COVID-19 put everyone in quarantine and school was sent home I completely stopped reading and writing school materials. BUT, I started to read more news articles so I learned different things going on in the real world and to other peoples lives. I also learned bigger vocabulary words in articles and hearing podcast which helped my writing.
  • Currently.....

    Throughout the summer I had to summer assignments which required me to read a book and one where I had to read current event articles and write summaries. Reading hasn't really been my thing in a while as I stopped reading and most of it was in school I wasn't reading much on my own.The book helped me gain more focus and understand books more rather than just read them. I think reading and writing over the summer might have kept me in focus and keep me prepared for this school year.