The Council of Chalcedon 451AD
The Council of Nicea gathered at Chalcedon in 451AD October 8 to November 1. They gathered to talk about how Jesus has two Natures, Humanity and Divinity nature. Jesus was also described as "Fully human and fully divine in one person". The council also encountered a critical issues, this was to find out Jesus's relationship to God and humanity. -
Period: 451 to
5BC to 2000
May 3, 1054
East-West Schism 1054AD
The Schism is the split between the East and the West church and it began around 1054 AD. The East and the West church had arguments about a lot of things. One big argument that made the East and West church to split was how there was a papal statement that said "pope has authority over all the bishops" and this cause the East church to rebel against the West, this was because the West church was lead by Pope Leo IX. The East did not want the Pope Leo IX to rule the Eastern side. -
May 3, 1347
The Plague/TheBlack Death 1347
The Bubonic Plague, also known as "The Black Death”, was a disease that killed around 75 to 200 million people. This Plague started around 1347 and ended around 1350. The Plague first arrived in Europe by sea, not soon after it spread to France and North Africa. To this very day the Plague is still around, but it is not as common as it was back then because of the advent of hygiene and health precautions we take nowadays. -
May 3, 1517
Martin Luther’s Publication of 95 Theses 1517
Martin Luther's publication of 95 theses was a list of questions and propositions that was used for debates, this was on october 31 1517. Luther wrote a document attacking the Catholic church. This attack was about how the corrupted church's practices on selling indulgences. Indulgences is when your punishments for your sins are clear,therefore Luther is disagreeing with making people pay for God's forgiveness. Luther placed the 95 theses on the doors of the Wittenberg church. -
May 3, 1555
Peace of Augsburg 1555
The Peace of Augsburg is a legalization of Catholicism and Lutheranism in the country Germany, this started on september 25 1555. On 1555 the Peace of Augsburg was signed, the most important part was the the Princes can choose the religion of their people. So they could choose from Catholicism and Lutheranism, and if the people did not like the choice well they had to follow what the prince says of just move away. -
May 3, 1563
The Council of Trent 1545-1563
The council of trent was a committee meeting that lasted for 18 years. The council meet at certain times between 1545 and 1563, they responded to the issue of the reformation. These meeting were help to talk about how to stop the spread of protestantism and to make changes to the church so it could be improved. This meeting was basically to counter the protestant reformation. -
The First Vatican Council 1860-1870
The First Vatican Council was called by Pius XI and started on 1860 and ended 1870. This was held to review and summarise the Catholic faith and deal with the rights of the pope. It was the teaching of the council that the pope has supreme power of the whole church. They also talked about the rising of rationalism, liberalism, materialism and the inspiration of scripture. -
The Second Vatican Council 1962-1965
The Second Vatican Council had a massive impacted on the Catholic church it started on 1962 and ended 1956. The changes that were made in the masses were masses were to be conducted in the people's language and women are allowed to be readers, lectors and eucharistic ministers. To sum this all up the second vatican council was announced by Pope John XXIII to promote peace and unity among humanity.