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RE benchmark timeline

  • Sydney arch bishop

    Sydney arch bishop
    John Bede Polding was born in Liverpool, England then moved to Sydney in 1835 as a bishop, after arriving he quickly provided the schools and church's with the resources they needed. He later helped with the formation of St johns college
  • The first bishop of melbourne

    The first bishop of melbourne
    James Alipius Goold was born in 1812 in ireland and moved to Australia in 1838 and built many schools and churches then later on became melbourne's first bishop
  • Stolen Generation (mid 1800’s - 1970’s)

    Stolen Generation (mid 1800’s - 1970’s)
    During this period indigenous children were taken away from their parents and sent to remote camps to live. They were sent there with the intention to have them get pregnant from a white man to one day remove all the black in the indigenous people.
  • The first St Vincent de Paul is established

    The first St Vincent de Paul is established
    In 1833 Frédéric Ozanam founds St Vincent de paul which is a catholic group dedicated to help the poor. 21 years later in 1854 Fr Gerald Warld came to Australia and founded the first St vincent de paul society at St francis church.
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    This was a rebellion by the miners during the gold rush who were angered due to various such as police brutality and the mining permit price being so high. The final push was James Scoobies murder, James Bently killed him he managed to convice a corrupt judge to let him be free regardless of his actions. This gave the miners a sense of injustice and pushed them to rebel against the government.
  • The first bishop of Brisbane

    The first bishop of Brisbane
    Born in 1819 James O'Quinn was brisbane's first bishop. After visiting Europe James sailed to Brisbane where he noticed there was not enough resources and the church was in debt. With the help of Mary Vincent Whitty James managed to create a catholic school and help fund the church.
  • South Sea islander are kidnapped and forced to work manual labor.

    South Sea islander are kidnapped and forced to work manual labor.
    During this time the American civil war was on causing and outage in cotton. Australian businessman saw this as an opportunity to make a name and profit in the cotton industry. To do this they needed a source of cheap labor. So they sailed to the south sea islanders, kidnapped/blackbirded the people there and forced them to work manual labor.
  • Mary Mackilliop founds Australia's first order of nuns

    Mary Mackilliop founds Australia's first order of nuns
    After being kicked out of the church by Bishop Sheil of Adelaide due to her disobeying orders from the church, Mary Mackilliop founds the sisters of St. Joseph of sacred heart and a school targeted at poor people called St. Joseph's School which provided free education.
  • White Australian act

    White Australian act
    This act was created to stop/restrict non europeans from settling in Australia by creating dictation test set meaning very little non europeans were allowed to pass. This unfortunately caused a surge in racism in Australia and by 1909 no non european migrant passed the test and prior to 1909 only 52 did.
  • St patrick's cathedral planning and completion (1858-1940)

    St patrick's cathedral planning and completion (1858-1940)
    In 1850 bishop James Alipius Goold set the foundation for the St Patrick’s cathedral but after gold was found in Australia a larger church was needed. After James approve of this it took 82 years to finish
  • For the first time Aboriginals and Torrestrait islanders are counted in the Australian census

    For the first time Aboriginals and Torrestrait islanders are counted in the Australian census
    All throughout the white australian act aboriginals and torres strait islanders weren’t counted/excluded from the census until 1967 when there was a vote to allow aboriginal and torres strait islanders.
  • The federal parliament passes the aboriginal land rights act.

    The federal parliament passes the aboriginal land rights act.
    This act allowed First nations people to claim land rights where traditional owner ship could be proven.
  • Uluru is given back to the Anangu people

    Uluru is given back to the Anangu people
    Before the British came the Anangu lived around Uluru and had a very special connection to it but it was later taken and used as a park. After a protest known as the Wave Hill Walk-Off it inspired many Anangu people to protest with them. However Uluru was not included in the Aboriginal land rights act as the Northern territory government did their best to ignore them eventually when a new government (Hawke government) announced that Uluru would be counted in the Aboriginal land rights act.
  • Port arthur massacre leads to a more strict gun law

    Port arthur massacre leads to a more strict gun law
    After the massacre at Port arthur newly elected John howard encouraged a stricter gun law by implementing many restrictions and rules to what type of guns you own and what training and reason you had to buy a gun.