Guys with laptops

RDLA Effective Writing Instruction

By 4oops
  • Course Orientation

    Course Orientation
    Introduce yourself in the Virtual Cafe. Take the pre-course survey. Make new online collegial friends!
  • Our course begins. Week 1-3/31-4/6

    Our course begins. Week 1-3/31-4/6
    Introduce yourself in the Virtual Cafe
    Take the pre-course survey
    Begin reading our Week 1 content and posting your first discussion board entry for Week 1
  • Discussion Post Checkpoint; Enrollment Closes

    Discussion Post Checkpoint; Enrollment Closes
    Please post to our forum at least twice by Friday evening and familiarize yourself with all assignments for this session.
    Now is a good time to print the assignment checklist located in the Content tab of our class.
  • Easter.

    Please take time away from the computer today. I will be away from my computer but will check email bright and early Monday morning.
  • Last day to drop for 80% refund

    Last day to drop for 80% refund
  • Week 1 Ends

    Week 1 Ends
    Please review the assignment and discussion rubrics. Check that you have all Week 1 assignment submitted to the Dropbox and check these off from your assignment sheet.
  • Time for Week 2

    Time for Week 2
    Welcome to Week 2! This week, you will explore a general approach to writing development while considering one developing writer in particular.
  • Early Week Discussion Posts Submitted

    Early Week Discussion Posts Submitted
    By this evening you should have provided at least two posts to this session's discussion forum (at least one original and one response). Please return to the forum regularly to contribute for the remainder of the session.
  • Spring Break Alert!!! Spring Break Alert!

    Spring Break Alert!!! Spring Break Alert!
    I will open the Discussion Boards for the upcoming week searly so that you can post early. You are welcome also to submit assignments early to the Dropbox. Then, during the Spring Break week, if you are away, you can just log in once and participate in the discussion forum after the week begins. Please email me to let me know of your Spring Break plans.
  • Week 2 Ends

    Week 2 Ends
    Check your assignment sheet and make sure you have uploaded the correct number of discussion posts to the Week 2 Forum, your Formative Assessment of Writing Samples Rubric, and your journal entry to the Dropbox.
  • Time for Week 3

    Time for Week 3
    We will turn our attention to how your teaching can impact writing growth during this week.
  • Income Taxes Due

    Income Taxes Due
    Let's not talk about it.... :(
  • Discussion Post Checkpoint

    Discussion Post Checkpoint
    By this evening you should have provided at least two posts to this session's discussion forum (at least one original) as per our TeacherLine Rubric for forums. Please return to the forum regularly to contribute for the remainder of the session.
  • Week 3 Ends

    Week 3 Ends
    Please check your assignment checklist to make sure you have finished your discussion posts, the "Writing Around the Room Rubric", and the journal entry to the Dropbox.
  • Time for Week 4

    Time for Week 4
    This week it is on to interactive reading and technology integration. Call R2D2 and C3PO!
  • Discussion Post Checkpoint

    Discussion Post Checkpoint
    By this evening you should have provided at least two posts to this session's discussion forum (at least one original) as per our TeacherLine Rubric for forums. Please return to the forum regularly to contribute for the remainder of the session
  • Week 4 Ends

    Week 4 Ends
    Check your Assignment Checklist and make sure you have submitted your Discussion Posts, and the Using Technology in Your Classroom Rubric and Journal Entry to the Dropbox.
  • Week 4 Ends

    Week 4 Ends
    Please check your Assignment Checklist to make sure you have posted the correct number of Discussion Posts, the Using Technology in Your Classroom Rubric, and the Journal entry to the Dropbox.
  • Time for Week 5

    Time for Week 5
    Now you are ready to observe and document early writing during this week. You will also talk with a student about his or her own perceptions of writing and goals for learning more. If you are not currently in a classroom setting, kids from your neighborhood, congregation, and/or community center will appreciate helping you!
  • Discussion Post Checkpoint

    Discussion Post Checkpoint
    By this evening you should have provided at least two posts to this session's discussion forum (at least one original) as per our TeacherLine Rubric for forums. Please return to the forum regularly to contribute for the remainder of the session
  • Week 5 Ends

    Week 5 Ends
    Please check your Assignment Checklist to make sure you have posted the correct number of posts to the Discussion Board and the online journal to the Dropbox. Note: The Assessment for Case Study activity will only be assessed for completion.
  • Time for Week 6

    Time for Week 6
    By the end of this session, you will be able to: Synthesize information about your focus student in a case-study paper that includes an instructional plan and takes into account both the student's and your own goals for his or her growth.
    Create a Technology and Writing Inventory—annotated with recommendations of whether or how to use each piece—of technology available to support emergent writers.
    Assess your learning in this course by comparing your prior knowledge and acquired knowledge