Rayven Hedge Pd. 3

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    Problems in the Late Republic

    Rome started to have so problems. They were face with many as of pushing there political system to its limits. There government grew and a revolutions began, puttine pressure on them. Tension started to grow in the Roman society. Even more problem were happening as in social unrest, the military in politics, the social war, and a civil war.
  • 180

    The Empire Weakens

    After the end of the Pax Roman, the Roman army had the inability to stop the army. They were left without a leader, after the last Good Emperors had died. Roman life was affects also, because of the insecurity of civil wars. They had so many conflict on the outside, it started on the inside also.
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    Attempts at Reform

    An emperors who tried to reform was Diocletian. He was very strict though. Then a new emperor came and his name was Constantine. He put an end to all the fighting that was going on. Without them the empire might not have survived.
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    The Early Christian Church

    These churches are very close communities, and spiritual organizations. They helped the sick and poor with giving them food, water, and shelter. Many of them believed Apostle had founded the churches. These church became more complex and grew.
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    Invasion and Fall

    The emperors did not solve any thing for the empire. They were only worsted. Invaders came from Central Asia. In the west they thought that it might be the last of the Western Roman Emprire.
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    Romes Cultural Legacy

    Architecture, Science, and Engineering are all in Romes cultrue. For centuries it influenced life. Many Roman architecture can still be seen till this day. They loved Science and Engineering, even more so organizing information.
  • 509

    The roman Republic begins

    Until 509 BC the Etruscans ruled rome. There were Patricians and Plebeians. They established a new type of government called a republic. A republic is elected officials that governed that state.
  • Jan 1, 753

    Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome

    Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome
    Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome in 753 BC. Rome was found in the middle of a peninsula. Rome is located in Southern Italy. Romulus and Remus were twin brothers, known to be raised by a she wolf. Rome grew to be a well known city.
  • The Pax Romana

    The Pax Romana started in 27 BC, and ended in 180 AD. The reason it is called the Pax Romana is, because it means Roman peace. They were rarley interrupted by a war or invasion. During this time they had government, a legal system, and trade and transportation.
  • Christianity and Judaism

    Christianity was decovered by Jesus of Nazareth. Juses of Nazareth is a spiritual leader. Romans population was ten percent christian. They also did the teaching of Judaism.