Randy Martinez Family

  • When i was born

    When i was born
    i was born in wakemed hospital in raleigh
  • The biggest party ever

    The biggest party ever
    My cousins were invented. My whole family came and got a lot of gifts. My mom was cooking food and deserts.Me and my cousins were playing soccer and fall to sleep.
  • My first job

    My first job
    My dad took me to work because what i will learned from my dad and get money.First we went to eat breakfast then went to work and got back home.
  • Kings Dominions

    Kings Dominions
    We went to the rollercoaster and i got hurt on my nose.Then we went to eat pizza. And took a nap.
  • To the beach

    To the beach
    Its was fun but i hate the seafood a lot of times and its taste bad so first we swim,then we took a nap, then we stay for 2 hrs and went home.
  • Win the championship

    Win the championship
    I shot 3 times and miss but the fourth try i pass it to someone else and he or she score and won the championship.My family was so proud of me.
  • losing the semifinales

    losing the semifinales
    We were tied up 2-2 and then the other team score and we about to score then it was the end of half time, some of my teammates cry a lot some like douglas and me were not crying because it was a fair game.
  • Now i am in 7th Grade

    Now i am in 7th Grade
    Now i have new classmates and new friends. I get good grades and good behavior and i want to get A's or AB honor for the whole school year. And process reports go tomorrow for our grades