Post Pitch and Pitch feedback
Period: to
Create a facebook message
I am going to create a facebook message to ask my friends to contribute towards the making of my video. I will ask them for their opinions throughout the planning stage. -
Start looking at print production layouts
Location and helath and saftey
Talk about how i have the keys for the house, also create health and safety table -
Costume and Props
Start considering props, such as the chair. And what nick will wear. -
Choreography and blocking
Story boarding
This should take the longest time as i would like to use computer generated equiptment to create my animatic story board -
Print Production start
Finish Research and Planning
Deadline Print productions
Film headshot, all of song one camera angle. -
Film different camera angles, with lyrics -
Final retouches -
Start editing
any other retouches needed -
Deadline Video