Railroads Through time

  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    The steam locomotive was invented in England
  • Public Railway

    Public Railway
    The first public railway in the world opened in England
  • First North American Railroad

    First North American Railroad
    The first railroad in North America — the Baltimore & Ohio — was chartered by Baltimore merchants
  • The broad-gauge railway

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel created the broad-gauge railway system which had better-running properties of the train, higher load capacities even on poor ground, and higher speed which we still use today.
  • Railroad Bridge

    Railroad Bridge
    First railroad bridge over the Mississippi enabled expansion of trains to the west.
  • The first underground railroad

    The first underground railroad
    – First underground railway started working in London. Success of this track gave birth to the modern subways.
  • Period: to

    The golden age

    The “Golden Age” of railroading.
  • The Chunnel

    The Chunnel
    The Channel Tunnel, often called the Chunnel or the Euro Tunnel, is a railway tunnel that lies underneath the water of the English Channel and connects the island of Great Britain with mainland France. The Channel Tunnel, completed in 1994 and officially opened on May 6 of that year, is considered one of the most amazing engineering feats of the 20th century.