Zygote formation
I started as a ZYGOTE, the initial cell formed when two gamete cells are joined by means of sexual reproduction, fertilization event between two haploid cells an ovum and a sperm cell. -
Period: to
When i was an Emryo
I developed into an EMBRYO after two month of the formation of a zygote. Earliest stage of development, from the time of first cell division. -
Developing baby
Here in this stage i began to develop and my body features somehow started to appear, i was in the step of being a FETUS -
At this day i was ready to go out and experience the real life. -
Period: to
Being attached to my parents for 24 years, all my studying years till I got engaged. -
My tiny fingers
In this stage of life, GRASPING REFLEX STAGE, i grasp every object placed in the middle of my hand. -
Search for food
In this stage of life, ROOTING AND SUCKING REFLEX, when anything touched my face, i'd directly open my mouth thinking there was a source of food. -
Period: to
Trust Vs. Mistrust
When i was growing i trusted the poeple who gave me the best care and satisfied me with my needs. Parents love and care made me trust them and run to them when i felt fear, -
Oral Stage
In this stage, food and eating were the major sources of happiness. -
Getting used to things
In this stage, noises or sound made by my parens or brother made me tilt to them knowing it was them talking. -
Preoperational Stage
I spoke my first words. -
Phallic Stage
This stage, i realized i liked playing with girls toys, indicating taht i have realized my gender -
Anal Stage
This stage of life, impacted me in making me cleaner when i was taght to go to the bathroom. -
Psychodynamic Theory
The beginning of jealousy from all other females even my mother, when it comes to my Father. -
Period: to
Psychodynamic Theory
I do everything to win my father's love, i am my dad's little spoiled girl that he loves. All the attention is supposed to be given to me and only me. -
Period: to
Physical Development
Physical development, playing sports and running and physically growing. I played Tennis ballet gymnastics soccer swimming and basketball,In this state i am an athletic little girl. -
Period: to
Latency Stage
The period between The age of 6 till the age of 12 when i hit puberty, this stage of life made me change the way i used to think. -
Period: to
Concrete Operational
I demonstrated knowledge and started to think more logically. -
Period: to
Emotional Development
the period before i reached puberty and when i was in the beginning of my teenage years. Everything involved emotion states, whether it was a sad or a happy situation. -
Period: to
Autonomy Vs. Shame and doubt
This stage of life, i used to think parents do anything just to piss me off, so all my answers and responses to everything was a negative answer and i used to think everyone is there to annoy me in my life. -
My first Boyffriend Ahmed, I feel emotions and love toward him where mutual feeling are being played. -
Formal - Operations
I started to think before i act and analyze situations and their outcomes. -
Genital Stage
My first kiss impacted me and made me realize that ii was mature. -
Feeling Develop and maturity
Feeing and emotions start to develop. Love comes to be something really impacting in our life, it changed how i think and how to respond to situations. I started realizing that not everything we want in life we can have it without working hard on getting it. -
Period: to
Initiative Vs. Guilt
From The stages of my teenage years i realized that no answer can be a "NO" with no explanation, so i started questioning everyone about everything, so i can understand why poeple take these dissicions. -
The Choices that i had to make to which uni i am going to and how im going to live life impacted me, through my personal living with my parents, and choosing where to go according to wha my parents have taught me and the adaptation to the place i picked to go to related to my parents thinking, that has influenced me. -
My attitude towards certain belliefs changed according to the life experiences i had delt with, seeing life from a different perspective -
I had to think about my final decision to which uni i am going to and how it is going to affect my life in the future. -
Period: to
Industry Vs.Inferiority
Here i began my serious formal life after graduating from Highschool and going to Uni. Responsibilities and changes in my life happened. -
change of life
My marriage date, change of life, wise enough to make big decisions that imply on changing our whole life and routine. -
Identity Vs. Role confusion
Deciding who im spending the rest of my life with is a hard decision, sometimes you look at all the positive things in that person, and ignore some of the negative issues a person might have. -
Intimacy Vs. isolation
After marraige getting used to a certain routine, balancing between the retationship and the work needs and all life needs. -
First Baby
Today my first baby boy Kareem was born, when i fhold this child in my hand i feel that all my fun and crazy times are gone, and its time to think about how my child will live his life. -
Period: to
Generativity VS. Stagnation
Responsibilities add over the years, building a family and keeping it safe till they start building their own families and thhe family tree grows bigger. Responsibilities are a heavy weigh on us parents backs. -
Cognitive Development
Worrying about my childrens education and their intellectual needs. -
responsibilities increase by the day, i work ,and i have a family, every day of my life gets harder to think of the responsibilties i should take care of. -
Integrity Vs. Despair
A day where i was sitting wondering if all my deciisions were the best for my four children and it's time to relax m children are teenagers now. -
my husband and i are aving some aging problems, he is getting sick and i am forgetting a lot. -
Period: to
Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers disease attacked me, and coquered my life, forgetting many envents taht were stored as memories in my mind. -
The disease of Alzheimers didnt affect me to the worst level, but i have died today while praying God to give me whats best for me.