Radical Days

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Citizens storm the Bastille prison for weapons and ammunition. Serves as the symbolic start of the French Revolution and symbolizes the taking down of royal power and authority.
  • Feudalism Abolished

    The National Assembly voted to end feudalism and the right to special privileges.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    National Assembly created this document as a part of the first steps towards a constitution.
  • Women March on Versailles

    The 3rd estate women march to Versailles Palace to demand food/bread due to the food crisis in France. They refused to leave Versailles until the king and queen came back to Paris with them. The king and queen came back to Paris and stayed in the Tuileries palace for the next few years.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Put the Catholic Church under state control and took away some of their authority, got rid of monasteries and convents, the church members didn’t want to accept this, so there was a divide among revolutionaries and the church
  • Constitution of 1791

    This set up a Limited Monarchy in France, used the Legislative Assembly, the assembly was tax paying men voted on by the people that owned property
  • Louis and Marie attempt to flee

    Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette and their children attempt to leave France to escape the Revolution. This attempt failed as they were caught at the border when they were recognized by a piece of money. They were then held captive at the Tuilleries Palace in France until their conviction of being traitors.
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    A document from the leaders of Austria and Prussia threatening the people of France, they said that if they did not stop the revolution, they would declare war on France, they did this because they were afraid of the revolution spreading to their own countries. Legislative Assembly read this as a threat and eventually declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britain, and many others in April of 1792. Fighting would last until 1815
  • Declaration of the Rights of Women

    Olympe de Gouges created this document in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Stated that women to should be guaranteed equal rights to that of men.
  • French Republic

    National Convention replaced the Legislative Assembly and turned France into a Republic. The Republic was in control of France and was taken over by the Committee of Public Safety in the summer of 1793. Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of this committee and lead the "Reign of Terror." They created the Constitution of 1793 was passed on June 10, 1793.
  • Death of the King and Queen

    King Louis was executed first in January, convicted of being a traitor. Marie was killed in October. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnnNueXuRXs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytqMPfs5VHs
  • Reign of Terror

    Lasted until July 1794, ultimately came to a close with the death of Maximillien Robespierre, director of the Reign of Terror. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk8U4PYK1cE