Racism In Sport

  • Dermet Brereton

    Dermet Brereton
    Dermet Brereton made a racist comment to young footballer. He said sorry some years later.
  • Nicky Winma

    Nicky Winma
    Nicky Winma lifts his footy jumper to show his culture.
  • Eric Cantona

    Eric Cantona attacks a fan who racially abused him.
  • English Fans Attack

    English fans, in London to watch England play Switzerland, attack two brothers and a woman of Asian origin, and a young black person.
  • Andy Cole racially abused

    Manchester United’s Andy Cole is racially abused by Juventus fans
  • Darker man abused

    England’s black players are racially abused by Macedonia fans
  • Andrew Mcloud

    Andrew Mcloud get's called something rude.
  • Australian Open

    Australian Open
    Croatian fans start a fight with Serbian fans over the Australian Open match.
  • Ice Hockey Match

    Grand Final in ice hockey fights broke out at the end of the match.
  • Tiger Woods

    Tiger Woods
    While he was playing golf someone from the crowd threw a hotdog at him.