New record in Shanghi.
With 510km/h (311mph) Shanghi Transrapid sets up a new record for commercial railway systems. -
My birthday!
I was born in Canada, Ottowa at 5:00 to I belive one of the best parents in the world. -
My family after a year and 11 months on the 4th, in Canada, Ottawa, we moved to the United States, Los Angeles. -
Train express killing 6 and injuring 150
An express train collides with a stationary car near the village of Ufton Nervert, England killing 6 and injuring 150. -
Pumpkin festival
In October my family and I attended our very first pumpkin festival! -
Riot in Toledo
Riot in Toledo, Ohio breaks out durring a national socialist/Neo-Nazi protest; Over 100 are arrested. -
Nepal passes landmakrk bill
THe post of Loktantra Andolan government passes a landmark bill curtalling the monarchy and making a secular country. -
When my sisters and I were just three we vivited Disney! -
My family and I moved to Jamaica! -
Texas Rangers
The Texas Rangers rout the Blatimore Orioles 30-3 the most runs scored by a team in modern MLB history. -
Bill Gates steps down as Chairman.
Bill Gates steps down as Chairman of Microsoft coropration to work full time at the Bill and Melinda foundation. -
Tooth fairy!
I lost my first baby tooth and grew my first permanent tooth! -
72 year soap opera run ends
The 72 year run of the soap oprea the guiding light ends it's as it's final episode is brodcast. -
The fall of 2009 me and my sistersmy sisters and I started kindergarten. -
Lee kun-hee returns to samgsun
Lee kun-hee returns to samgsun electronics cheif executive officer (CEO) postiton after his resigantion in April 21 2008. -
2nd grade
My sisters and I started 2nd grade with Mrs.Cheryl in AIS-R. -
Ben Ali
Ben Ali, former Tunisian president, fled the country to Saudi Arabia after the popular protests (dubbed as Jasmin Revolution) requesting his debate. -
My feild trip!
My first feild trip to a farm in Jamaica. -
Gunman killing six people
Gunman opens fire on Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin killing six people and committing suicide -
Pool party
I went to my very first pool party with my friend Samantha. -
30 people are killed in a gang battle
30 people are killed in a gang battle involving flame throwers in Palmasola prison, Bovlivia. -
Fourth grade
I started fourth grade with the one and only Mr.Krugler!