• Mexico Get's It's Independence!!!!!

    Mexico Get's It's Independence!!!!!
    Mexico finally get's it's independence from Spain. The war started in 1810 and it was brutal fight but Mexico won!!
  • Mexico Abolishes Slavery!!!!

    Mexico Abolishes Slavery!!!!
    Mexico abolishes slavery but the Americans that have migrated into Mexico are very unhappy because Slaves used to work on farms for no pay. Now the land owners will have hire and pay people. Also The Tejanos were mad because Americans thought they were superior and going against the Tejanos. So the Mexican's close off the border so no more Americans can come in,made the American Texans pay taxes, and they sent more Mexican troops to the Texas territory for more influence.
  • Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna is Elected President

    Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna is Elected President
    In 1833 Antonio Lopez is elected president. He first started to make his presence known in the military where he was a great fighter, and became a captain. He is most known for trying to keep Spain from recapturing Mexico. He ended up being exiled from Mexico and later dies in poverty.
  • Texas Revolution Breaks Out at Gonzales

    Texas Revolution Breaks Out at Gonzales
    We sure did remember the Alamo. Texas was tired of being controlled so were planning to break off from Mexico and make it it's own country. Mexico was putting taxes on the Texans and they were not having it. The war started because Mexico tried to get a cannon that was hidden by the Texans in Gonzales.
  • California Revolts

    California Revolts
    The California Revolt, also known as the Bear Flag revolt was a act lead by California to stand up to Mexico. They claimed that California to be it's own republic. Mexico makes a deal with them and California pays 15 million dollars for the land. This was a bloodless fight and that is how California got their state flag. The bear is a symbol of strength and dignity.
  • Remember The Alamo!!!!

    Remember The Alamo!!!!
    Texas wants to break away from Mexico so Austin tries to consult and talk to Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. When Antonio hears this he is infuriated and Austin is arrested and Antonio send thousands of troops to Texas. In February of 1836 a battle that lasted just 12 days was started because of this. Sadly all of the Texan men were killed in this battle. This made Texas really want to fight for their freedom and honor the men who died while fighting for them.
  • San Jacinto Battle

    San Jacinto Battle
    This was a fascinating topic to me. Mexico and Texas went to war by the San Jacinto River. At this point Texas was very fired up and wanted to honor the men at the Alamo who lost their life. It took only 18 minutes for the Texans to kill half of Mexico's army and all the while they screaming "REMEMBER THE ALAMO". Mexico felt it was time to surrender and negotiations were started.
  • The Lone Star Republic

    The Lone Star Republic
    The Lone Star Republic was created after the San Jacinto battle. Texas became it's own mini "country". This didn't last for long though, the president of The Lone Star was Sam Houston at the time. He wanted to conjoin with America but Texas would offset the balance of slave states.
  • US is going to war with Mexico!

    US is going to war with Mexico!
    The United States declared war on Mexico because they felt that Texas wasn't getting the freedom they deserved. America also wanted it's independence along with a lot of Mexico's Northern land.
  • Mexico Is getting Smaller

    Mexico Is getting Smaller
    Things started to go downhill for Mexico. Their former president was exiled, they had lost about 700 soldiers in The San Jacinto Battle. They were looking pretty weak and to add onto it they had just signed the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This treaty requested peace but they also had to give up most of their northern land to the United States.