Race Riots

  • Harlem Riot

    James Powell and some other teenagers were loitering and being disruptive near a building. A white police officer heard the Ruckus and came to settle it down. Soon after James and the officer started fighting and Powell pulled a knife. James Powell cut the officers forearm, causing the policeman to shoot and kill James Powell. A couple days later, a protest that was supposed to be focused on something else, quickly turned to rioting and protesting of James Powell's murder.
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    Black motorist arrested for drunk driving. The two police then started to rough him up, prompting a crowd to gather. Rioting then began.
    -34 Dead
    -1,032 Injured
    -4,000 Arrested
    -$40 Million in Property Damage
  • Long Hot Summer Begins

  • Newark Riot

    Newark Riot
    John Smith was a black cab driver. He was arrested and during that arrest he was beaten. Rumors started to spread that he was murdered by the police officers that arrested him (although he was in a hospital recovering). This brought forth protests which led to violence and riots.
    -26 Dead
    -750 Injured
    -Over 1,000 arrested
    -$10 Million in Property Damage
  • Detroit Riot

    William Scott owned an illegal night club. Police raided the club, but that night they were hosting many veterans, some of who had just returned from Vietnam. All 85 patrons at the club were arrested and this prompted a crowd to assemble outside. As the last people were getting driven away, one of the onlookers threw a bottle. More people started throwing bottles which led to rioting.
    -43 Dead
    -Over 7,000 Arrested
    -1,700 stores looted
    -1,400 buildings burned
    -$50 Million in Property Damage.
  • Long Hot Summer Ends