Race car

Race Car Technician

By amg7730
  • Race Car technician change over the years

    Race Car technician change over the years
    On August 30, 1867 in England, the first documented race between two self-powered road vehicles took place. The vehicles used? Carriages! One racer from the town of Ashton-under-Lyne and one from Old Trafford raced on a predetermined 8-mile racing route.
    From 1972 through 2003, NASCAR called the premier series the Winston Cup Series, with their sponsor being the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s Winston brand.
  • Modern Day Earnings

    Modern Day Earnings
    As of Feb 12, 2019, the average annual pay for a Race Car Mechanic in the United States is $45,520 a year. While race car technicians made $36,000 in 2014, the BLS reported average annual salaries of $39,060 for all automotive service technicians.
  • Training

    Career training programs for auto mechanics are available through numerous technical institutes, vocational schools, career learning centers and community colleges. These programs focus on the specifics of automotive technology and do not require core classes the same way an Associate’s Degree program is operated.
  • Employment

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment for automotive service technicians and mechanics was expected to grow five percent between 2014 and 2024 (www.bls.gov). This projected industry growth was average, compared to all other occupations.
  • Education

    ome high schools offer adequate training programs, though most mechanics are expected to have completed an associate degree or certificate program in automotive technology training. An associate's degree is a 2-year program.