Planning Prelim
We began to plan our prelim task as a group, however we didn't create a storyboard or script. Instead we opted to make it up as we went along. We did have a shot list, however we did stray from it a we filmed. Therefore, I had to ensure I was well prepared and thoroughly planned when it came to creating my coursework product. -
Production Prelim
We began to film our prelim task, however as we were still unsure as to how to use the equipment, it took us a while to get to grips with how to work the camera. We also tried to vary the shots we used, for example using an extreme close up when I opened the door. However, as we were still only learning how to work the camera, it resulted in looking shaky and unprofessional. In order to avoid this in my coursework, I had to make sure I had a tutorial in how to use the equipment professionally. -
Production Prelim
Also, as it took us a while to learn to use the equipment, we fell behind schedule. This resulted in us using lesson time the following week to finish shooting the film. As a result, the characters were wearing different clothes, meaning that there is a continuity error in terms of costume. To avoid this in coursework, I had to film in one day and stay on schedule -
Post Production Prelim
In regards to post-production, we edited the film using Adobe Premiere. Again, as this was unfamiliar, we had to take a while figure out how to use it. We only used the most basic of editing techniques, such as jump cuts, and there were no titles. Additionally, the credits at the end were very simple and looked unprofessional, so when creating titles for my coursework piece, I was took extra time in care in choosing a font, style and position for the titles so they imitated real life products. -
Planning Final Product
When planning my final product, I took just over two weeks to gather materials on things such as location recce, auditions and storyboards, down to the final details like costumes and props. This ensured that I had a clear idea of how I wanted my film to look, and I knew how to achieve it. I also had a script so I knew what I wanted my characters to say. Additionally, I made call sheets and schedule in order to stay on time and not miss any deadlines. -
Production Final Product
I filmed all of the shots I needed for my opening sequence in one day, during the half term. This was good as I managed to get ahead of schedule. This time, I was familiar with the equipment and managed to film quickly and professionally. I included a variety of different angles and shot types in order to show my understanding of the theory of film making. I focused on the little details, such as costumes and scenery; in order to I didn’t make the same mistakes as I did in my prelim. -
Post Production Final Product
As I was more familiar with the editing software at the time of editing my final piece, I was able to expand my skills and add techniques I hadn’t used before. For example, my titles were in a typewriter font (in order to imitate the typewriter prop seen in the opening sequence) and placed strategically on the screen. -
Post Production Final Product
I didn’t include any major transitions, mainly opting for jump cuts, as I didn’t want to overpower the film. Romance films tend to be very simplistic, as they are often bearing a semblance to real life, and aren’t high concept. Any dramatic transitions would’ve distracted from the characters and plot. However, I was able to add a voiceover on top of my soundtrack (which was royalty free). -
If I was to do this again, I would ensure I spent more time on my opening scene, as to me it feels rushed and slightly unprofessional because of this. I would also improve the sound on my opening scene by using an external mic, as currently it sounds tinny with a slight echo, as I filmed using the camera’s built in microphone. Possibly I would also manage my time better in terms of research, planning and my blog in order to ensure it is of the highest standard.