Period: to
Evaulation question 7
Research and preliminary Exercise
-We had to start off by researching different aspects of the thriller genre, the history, mise en scene, editing and sound.
-The prelim exercise helped us learn the basic skills there is to planning, filming and editing. We made a storyboard adn shot list so we knew exactly the type of shots we needed.
We learnt how to use the basic 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot which are simple but very important shots to use. -
Preliminary Exercise
-I think all in all the exercise went well, I think the actual filming was challenging as we were new to this and we had to go over it a couple of times with each shot just so we got it right. The planning went really well we knew exactly what we were going to do and going to shoot.
-As well as filming we also had to learn how to get used to being in a group and delgating tasks and roles to each other like who would be the camera man, would direct etc. -
Preliminary Exercise
Overall I learnt that doing a preliminary exercise is really good to do to learn basic planning, filming and editing technqiues.
I think I improved on my planning and group skills and adding ideas to the group more and delgating a fair amount of tasks to everyone in the group. -
Forming Groups and Working collectively on the project
-We began the task of planning our film by talking about thriller films we had watched and what interested us about them and how it would be a good idea to put into our O.T.S. -We then started writing down ideas using some of the ideas from the thriller films we watched we thought up one single idea for our film. -We delegated the tasks fairly so that everyone was doing the same out amount of work and was imputing their own ideas. - -
Forming groups
- Working with a group is rewarding because you can get so many different ideas to make up one film idea. With each knowledge each person in the group has it helps form a better a idea than the knowledge and ideas of one person. It also helps because then you can deligate tasks and you're not bombarded with so much work where as in groups you could have one task you can properly focus on.
Planning and Filming our Thriller Opening Title Sequence
- We started planning it by getting ideas from the thriller films we had watched and expanding them. We thought about typical thriller films and what usually is used in them to make it successful like an investigator looking for a Killer. -The planning was really useful, the storyboard helped us with keeping tings orginally planned so we didn't go off course when we filmed it on the day. Going on the recce helped us get a feel of where we would be filming and if it was the right place to shoot.
Planning and Filming our Thriller O.T.S
-On the filming day I felt we were more confident in using the right shots to make our O.T.S interesting. We also were confident to use a variety of different shots other than the basic ones we learnt in the prelim.
-We used 180 degree rule when out antagonist went into the phone booth.
- I think our end product was successful, somethings we shot we weren't entirely happy with but the end result was good.
- Maybe spend more time planning the different shots we used. -
- The experience of editng this time was much different to editing the prelimary, this time we didn't have as much help as we did in the prelim. It was all down to us to get it how we wanted with just a few tips from our teacher on how to make it better.
- I think getting the shots we wanted and putting together roughly what we wanted in our O.T.S was easy, getting things exactly to the point on what we wanted was much more difficult adn took more time.
- We used editing transitions like fading the shot into the next shot, and desaturating the flashbacks to show it was a flashback rather than present day.
- We explored all different type of effects and editing transitions there were for example when the first title comes up and the antagonist is in the phone booth when he comes out he walks past the titles and as he does they dissapear.
Overall I have learnt a lot from the prelim task to actually planning and shooting my own opening title sequence. I've learnt basic camera and shooting techniques like the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot. I've also learnt the basic editing skills like how to cut clips and add simple transitions to the clip to make it look better.
As well as that I've learnt a lot about thriller because of all the research we did on it, I feel the research we did on thriller helped us create a better OTS.