I used prezi for my first case studies it allowed me to write as well as upload images choose my own templates. I used my priror knowldege from last year. It also has a clear layout making it easy to use. -
Period: to
I utlised blogger throught it to track every step of the way i posted my case study, images, final music vdeo etc. Blogger was also helpful in gaining feeback ,people could comment on my blog esecially on my print products and say what i should change/ improve.Blogger is extremly easy to navigate, I used my previous exprience from As to use blog. It can be used anywhere for example i was able to blog at home or on the bus as it has its own app there are no retsrictions for this technology. -
The first time i used time toast was to organise all my deadlines and tasks in order. It allowed me to keep track of everything that i needed to do. It was very easy to use. -
I used my phone to record a induction to the dslr camera. I then uploaded it to youtube. -
I used the treatment pitch to search and select my potential music track. youtube is really simple to navigate as it has a clear search bar. After i selected my music track i then embedded it onto my blog. -
I used outlook to email the record label for the song that i wanted to use. Firsly i located the record labels email adress on google then i sent them an email. It was very easy to use for me because i have prior knowledge. -
I used youtube to upload our intial treatment pitch. It was fairly easy as all i did was copy the orginal video into youtube. Then i embedded onto blogger. -
I used prezi to create my treatment it was easy to use ,also it was a nice layoout to present in the classroom. Then after embedding it into blogger i presented it to the class. -
I used prezi again to present ideas for coustumes and locations. It had i a clear layout that i was able to present in class. Also i could upload images. -
Moodle was useful as it helped me locate the templates for risk assesments . I used my pervious knowldge from AS to naviagte moodle it was fairly easy to find. -
I used whatsapp to keep in contact with my group We were able to divide tasks between us. We were also able to share videos images. It i free and easy to acess to anyone using any smart phone therefore it was a great help. -
I used youtube to research inspirations for my music video. I was able to find a wide variety of music videos on youtube therefore i had a huge choice. It has different genres of music on the side bar therefore it is easy to naviagate. -
I used spider scribe to evaluate my research and planning evaluation, it was good because it gave me a clear layout and also it was easy to navigate. -
Period: to
We used the dlsr camera for taking pictures and filming our music videos at our chosen locations. We found it fairly easy to use as our indcution helped us. we were abe to zoom, focus, change to black and white,record videos and take pictures etc. -
Period: to
final cut pro
We used the software final cut pro when editing our music video. We used it to sync the footage with the music we also were able to edit out the parts that we didnt need. We learnt how to add text also to add effects such as slow motion. It is a complicated software however once you get the hang of it it becomes easy. -
I used youtube to upload our final music video. Then i embedded it onto my blog. -
I used google to reserach different albums to get inspiration for my own album. It was really easy to naviagte and also you can find almost anything on google. -
I used prezi for my CD and advert group presentation. we agian we able to present our ideas claerly and also upload images to give an idea as to what we all wanted our album to look like. -
I used illustor for my front cover to create the B for bahja. I learnt how to manipulaite a single letter, i also learnt how to select different types of text and how to change the colour of the text. It is a very good technology as it allows you to create your own unique text. -
Period: to
I used photoshop inorder to create my front cover back cover , inside left and right, spine and advert. I was able to select images edit them. I was also able to add text and place barcodes logos etc to make it look professional. I have pervious knowlegde of photoshop therefore i found it easy to use. -
I used wix website for my question one as it allowed my to add text, upload videos and images. I was able to anaylse specific areas in detail for example camerawork and editing. In different sections with a clear layout.This technogy was good because it had templates to use or you could start from starch if you wanted to. -
I used spider scribe for my question for my question 2. It has allowed me to upload images and also split my writing into clear sections. It has a very simple layout meaning i was able to use it quickly and effectively. -
I used slide share for my question 3, this technology made it easy and simple to present my work. Firstly i had to put my work on powerpoint then all i had to do was upload it to slideshare and embed it onto my blog. -
I used time toast for my question 4 , It helped my track all the technology i used throughout. It is very easy to naviagte and easy to embed onto blogger.