Governor Sir Thomas Brisbanesends explorer John Oxley
New South Wales Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane sends explorer John Oxley to find potential new penal sites. -
The Moreton Bay convict settlement, established in Redcliffe
The Moreton Bay convict settlement, established in Redcliffe in 1824, is transferred to the banks of the Brisbane River near the northern end of the Victoria Bridge. -
German missionaries establish the Zion Hill
German missionaries establish the Zion Hill Mission (now Nundah) to bring Christianity to the Aborigines in Brisbane. -
German Missionaires
German missionaries establish the Zion Hill Mission (now Nundah) to bring Christianity to the Aborigines in Brisbane. -
First newspaper
Queensland's first newspaper, the Moreton Bay Courier is published. This later became The Courier, then the Brisbane Courier, and since 1933 The Courier-Mail. -
1 On 10 December, Queensland's first Governor, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, and his wife Lady Diamantina, arrive in Brisbane. The proclamation establishing the Colony of Queensland is read to wild applause from the balcony of Government House (now the Deanery of St John's Cathedral).