Sep 7, 1533
Elizabeth Tudor was born on September 7,1533 in Greenwich Palace, London, England. Her father was the King of England from April 21, 1509, until his death. His second wife, Anne Boleyn endured a scandalous marriage, since Henry was unable to obtain an annulment from Catherine of Aragon by the Church. The day Elizabeth was born, she had already disappointed her father, because she was not a male like the royal family had hoped for, yet she became the most powerful women of her time.
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May 19, 1536
Trial and Execution of Queen Anne Boleyn (continued)
her death. She went to trial four days before she was beheaded, and she denied every accusation even though it was clear she was guilty, but she was still convicted by the court and her death had been ordered by her husband.Henry VIII's marriage to Anne had been abolished and announced invalid. Within a day, he was married to Jane Seymour. This led to Anne and Henry VIII's daughter Elizabeth soon to be the most admired woman in England.
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May 19, 1536
Trial and Execution of Queen Anne Boleyn
In London, England, Anne Boleyn was falsely accused of incest, witchcraft, adultery, and treason. In the beginning of 1536, Anne gave birth to a stillborn son. Henry VIII soon realized that Anne was incapable of conceiving a male heir. He later meet Jane Seymour, and in his eyes, she was his wife to be, this meant he needed an annulment from his marriage to Anne. She was held at the Tower of London on many rumored accusations. It has been said that her former friend, Thomas Cromwell devised -
Sir Francis Drake
Sometime in the year 1540, Sir Francis Drake was born. Later in his life he embarks on a voyage around the world via Cape Cod. He carried out the second circumnavigation in one expedition from 1577 to 1580. He was a sea captain who always was discovering new ideas nobody had before. This event is significant because without Sir Francis Drake, people would not believe that you can travel the ocean and come back a hero.
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Jakob Meiland
Jakob Meiland was a German compsoser born in Senfienberg, Germany in 1542. he composed many pieces of music that contained elaborate choral numbers. This event is significant because he makes music more entertaining for the people who like his style.
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Jan 28, 1547
King Edward VI Dies; Accession of Mary I
Henry VIII's son, Edward VI became King of England and Ireland following his father's death in the beginning of 1547. He was ruling a nation at the age of nine years old. He took great pride in his education, and it showed with his multiple tutors. He loved to learn about the history and geography of the world, making him more knowledgeable. On July 6, 1553, Edward VI died, possibly from tuberculosis and poison, that year Mary I of England pursued the throne.
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The Violin Continues to Develop
The violins developed majorly in Italy from 1520 until 1650. It wasn't until 1553 that the violin in its present form began to develop. Several makers like Stradivari, changed the sizes of various features overtime. This event was significant because it is the development of the violin which even today is one of the most admired instruments played.
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Mar 18, 1554
Imprisonment of Elizabeth
Mary I wanted to restore Catholicism in England during her reign. Her half-sister, Elizabeth I was Protestant and Mary believed that she was planning to overthrow the kingdom. Mary decided to not see her so Elizabeth cannot argue that she was innocent. She is banned and sent her to the Tower of London for a time so she would not be a threat to her ruling. This event was significant because it led to controversy over religion and hatred for her sister.
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Nov 17, 1558
Queen Mary I dies; Accession of Elizabeth I
Elizabeth inherited the throne in 1558, after the death of her half-sister, Queen Mary I. Elizabeth I's plan once in power was to bring back Protestantism in her country. Parliament listened to her demands and not long after a national church was created. She made a law that people were required to attend the Church's events or else they would pay a fine. Elizabeth I was announced head of the Anglican Church by Parliament. Although she was Protestant, she did make reforms for the Catholics so -
Nov 17, 1558
Queen Mary I dies; Accession of Elizabeth I (continued)
they could live better lives under the influence of a different religion.
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Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Galileo was an Italian astronomer who was born in the beginning of 1564. During the Scientific revolution, he investigates the laws of gravitation and improved technology, like the telescope. This event is significant because without Galileo, people would not know how gravity works or even was. -
Oct 15, 1564
Andreas Vesalius
Andreas Vesalius was a physician during the Renaissance. He studied anatomy and how the body worked. Andreas studied different types of medicine biology throughout his lifetime. In 1564 he died on a Greek Island. He was significant in history because without him discovering anatomy than today we would not be so knowledgeable about ourselves.
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Northern Rebellion (continued)
many other citizens, they happened to follow her. Because of her religion, they considered Mary to be the legitimate monarch of England, instead of Elizabeth. Many believed that Elizabeth to be illegitimate because of her father's relationship with Anne Boleyn. Unlike Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots had a son and the people liked that because they were worried who would be the next heir after Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth I was quick to react to the problem. She moved Mary south and executed Earl -
Northern Rebellion (continued)
of Northumberland for treason and the Earl of Westmoreland lived the rest of his life in exile. This event was significant because it shows how Queen Elizabeth I was so determined to spread her beliefs and she wasn't going to let anyone get in her way.
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Northern Rebellion
During Queen Elizabeth I's reign, the Northern Rebellion took place, which was a huge revolt against Queen Elizabeth I. This was led by Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland and Charles Neville, Earl of Westmoreland in the early months of 1569. The rebellion occurred after Mary, Queen of Scots escaped her imprisonment and made her way to England. This happened to a huge setback to Queen Elizabeth had to deal with. Mary was thought to be the next heir, and because she was Roman Catholic like the -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
In late December of 1571, Johannes Kepler was born. He was a German astronomer who had discovered that the planets revolve around the sun and that the sun is the center of our universe. During the Scientific Revolution, he began to use facts to support an opinion instead of logic and old teachings.
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Roanoke (continued)
Greenville arrived, the people had vanished. This event is significant because even today nobody knows what happened to the settlers, despite historians theories. It showed England's attempt to expand their territory as a great nation.
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On March 25, 1584, Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter which allowed Sir Walter Raleigh to search, discover, and note land that hadn't been explored yet. Two ships sailed from England on April 27, and landed in the waters of North Carolina on July 13. this was the first time a British flag had been in the New World. During the settlers time, they failed to establish good relations with the Indians, resulting in the first attempt to form a colony that ended up as a fail when Sir. Richard -
Spanish Armada (continued)
event was significant in history because it shows religious controversy between Catholicism and Protestantism between two countries, just like the Northern Rebellion.
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Spanish Armada
In 1588, Philip II brought together an army of 130 ships with 19,000 soldiers. This fleet was known as the Spanish Armada, which arrived in the southwest coast of England on July 29. Elizabeth was able to restore Protestantism all around her country and that angered Phillip of Spain. She was threatened by him because he was Catholic and she supported the people who rose up against him. Elizabeth did not have to defend her country during this time because a storm destroyed the ships at sea. This -
Globe Theatre
Queen Elizabeth I was very influenced for the arts, especially theatre. She attended many plays written by William Shakespeare. One of the most famous theatres in the world today is the Globe Theatre, located near the Thames River in Southwark. Elizabeth loved entertainment. She would often have hired actors come perform in her palace for a small party and hold a private show. This event is significant because it shows what Elizabeth did in her free time and how famous the theatre is.
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Death; Accession of James I
Queen Elizabeth I was near seventy years old when she died of blood poisoning. People have claimed that she was an excellent monarch in England. William Shakespeare became popular with the help of Elizabeth's respect for the arts. She promoted explorers like Sir Walter Raleigh to uncover new lands. The Elizabethan Era was was the time where progress was being made in the country. She devoted everything to make England prosper. This event is significant because it led to King James I.