Queen Elizabeth I

  • Jan 1, 1533

    Inca is Conquered

    Inca is Conquered
    In 1533, Francisco Pizarro conquered the mighty Incan Empire. The king of the Incans was killed and the rest of the Incans retreated. After this event took place more Spanish conquistadors conquered the natives of South America. (Patterns of Interaction pg 486)
  • Sep 7, 1533

    The Future Queen is Born

    The Future Queen is Born
    On September 7th, 1533, Elizabeth is born. Her parents were King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She was born a Greenwich Palace. (A Book of Famous Queens)
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published his book on the heliocentric theory. The heliocentric stated that the sun was the enter of the solar system. This went against religious teachings and inspired people for the next 150 years until the theory was proven. (Patterns of Interaction pg 546)
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Elizabeth Becomes Queen

    Elizabeth Becomes Queen
    In 1558, Mary, Elizabeth's sister and former queen died. Elizabeth was next in place and gladly became queen. She was 25 at the time. (English History)
  • Jan 1, 1558

    The Creation of the Anglican Church

    The Creation of the Anglican Church
    When Elizabeth's sister dies, and Elizabeth took control, she created the Anglican Church. This church was a mixture of Protestantism and Catholicism ideas. This event caused the people of England to take a quick liking to her. (Religion Facts)
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Elizabeth is Coronated

    Elizabeth is Coronated
    On January 13th, 1559 Elizabeth was given the crown of England. Even though she had been ruling England since her sister's death, she only acquired the throne a few months after her sister's death. She was coronated in Westminster Hall, England. (Tudor History)
  • Jan 1, 1566

    Refuses to Marry

    Refuses to Marry
    In 1566, the queen refuses to marry. She told her people she would marry soon after she became queen. This showed that she was powerful on her own. (Spartacus Educational)
  • Jan 1, 1577

    Queen Sends Francis Drake on Voyage

    Queen Sends Francis Drake on Voyage
    In 1577, Queen Elizabeth decided to send Francis Drake on a voyage to collect valuables and claim land for England. Drake ended up getting lots of treasure. He claimed California for England. He became the first Englishman to circumspect the world. (History.com)
  • Ivan the Terrible Dies

    Ivan the Terrible Dies
    On March 28th, 1584, Ivan the Terrible, czar of Russia died. He died in Moscow, Russia. With no heirs, the crown went to another family. (Czars and Czarinas of Russia pg 51)
  • Starts Anglo-Spanish War

    Starts Anglo-Spanish War
    The queen starts a war with the Spanish. It began when English troops journeyed to the Netherlands. The Treaty of Nonsuch was signed by Elizabeth and the Dutch. (Geni)
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was one of the strongest naval forces in the world at the time. When the Spanish king sent his fleet to England, they were badly defeated. This became one of the greatest battles in history and is still famous to this day. (BBC)
  • Microscope Invented

    Microscope Invented
    Zacharias Janssen invented something that would change the world of science forever. In 1590 he invented the microscope. This tool is very important and is still used today. (Patterns of Interaction pg 549)
  • Hamlet

    In 1601, William Shakespeare published one of his most famous plays, "Hamlet". His work showed Renaissance ideas. His plays are still read today and influence people everywhere. He was the most famous playwright of all time. (Patterns of Interactions pg 426)
  • Golden Speech

    Golden Speech
    In 1601, Elizabeth made her golden speech about her reign. It was her last time speaking in public. She said, "It is not my desire to live or reign longer than my life and reign shall be for your good. And though you have had, and may have, many mightier and wiser princes sitting in this seat, yet you never had, nor shall have, any that will love you better." (History Today)
  • Tokugawa Regime Begins

    Tokugawa Regime Begins
    In 1603, the Tokugawa regime begins. The regime consisted of the emperor, shogun, daimyo, peasants, merchants, and artisans. It lasted for about 200 years. (Patterns of Interaction)
  • The Queen Dies

    The Queen Dies
    On March 13th, 1603, the famous queen died in Richmond. She lived to be 70 years old. Her reign lasted for 45 years. (A Book of Famous Queens)