Queen elizabeth i

Queen Elizabeth I

  • Sep 7, 1533

    Birth Of Queen Elizabeth I

    Birth Of Queen Elizabeth I
    Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7,1533 at Greenwich Palace in England. Her parents were Henry VIII, father, and Anne Boleyn, mother. Her parents were not married when she was born. This is significant because Elizabeth did many things to create England's history. Source: ( Phillips 114).
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    In 1534, Jacques Cartier sets out on a voyage. He voyages to the new world, in order to seek gold and other riches. He also finds a new route to Asia. On his journey, Jacques also sights the coast of Labrador. This is significant because this would later enable France to lay claims on land that would later become known as Canada. Source: (Simon 239).
  • 1536

    Execution Of Her Mother

    Execution Of Her Mother
    In 1536, Queen Elizabeth's mother was executed at The Tower Of London. Anne was tried for treason and adulatory. The result of this was Elizabeth's mom was put to death. This is significant because after her mother dies, her father finds another wife in less than 24 hours. Source: (Eding 49).
  • 1537

    Queen's Half Brother Is Born

    Queen's Half Brother Is Born
    In 1537, Elizabeth's dad and his new wife, Jane Seymour, give birth to a son. His name was King Edward. King Edward is now Queen Elizabeth I's half brother. This is significant because Edward is the King of England. Source: (Eding 27).
  • Mar 18, 1554

    Elizabeth is imprisoned

    Elizabeth is imprisoned
    On March 18,1554, Queen Elizabeth I is imprisoned at the Bell Tower of London. Elizabeth's half sister, Mary I, is the one who imprisoned her. She was put in the Bell Tower as a result of the Wyatt Rebellion. This is significant because this causes conflict between Elizabeth and Mary. Source: ( Phillips 114).
  • 1559

    Queen Elizabeth Gets Marriage Proposal

    Queen Elizabeth Gets Marriage Proposal
    Ever since Elizabeth was a young girl, she said she was never going to get married. In 1559, King Phillip of Spain asked her to marry him. She said no because in experience with her dad, she knew how quickly a king could make a queen a prisoner. This is significant because this meant that the Queen would have no husband. Source: ( Weir 67).
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Elizabeth's Coronation

    Elizabeth's Coronation
    In 1559, Elizabeth became the queen of England. Her half sister, Mary I, dies. Therefore, this makes her the new queen. Her coronation was located in Westminster Abbey. This is significant because this is when Elizabeth becomes the queen. Source: (Phillips 114).
  • 1562

    Queen Elizabeth Gets Ill With Chicken Pocks

    Queen Elizabeth Gets Ill With Chicken Pocks
    In 1562, Queen Elizabeth gets extremely ill. She is contagious with chicken pox. She has to start thinking about her death because she does not have any kids. This is significant because since she doesn't have any kids, there is no one to take over after she dies. Source: (Eding 53).
  • 1562

    Plague In Paris

    Plague In Paris
    In 1562, there was a major plague in Paris, France. This spread very quickly and killed many people. About 40,000 people died from this plague. This is significant because many people were affected during this time and is a big part of history during this time. Source: (Simon 249).
  • 1565

    Sir John Hawk Introduction To New Things

    Sir John Hawk Introduction To New Things
    In 1565, Sir John Hawk introduces new products. He first introduces sweet potatoes. He also introduces tobacco. These products were introduced to the people living in England. This is significant because these products will help England gain more money from trading. Source: (Simon 249).
  • She Defeats The Spanish Armada

    She Defeats The Spanish Armada
    In 1558, Queen Elizabeth successfully defeats the Spanish Armada. This was one of the Queen's greatest achievements. This was also one of England's greatest military achievements. It showed that their military had strength and spirit. This is significant because this is the first time England has beat the Spanish. Source: ( Phillips 114).
  • Coal Mining in Ruhr

    Coal Mining in Ruhr
    In 1590, the mining of coal begins in Ruhr. This brought lots of money into Germany. Lots of coal was found here. This is significant because it makes Germany stronger. Source: ( Simon 263).
  • Galileo Invents Water Thermometer

    Galileo Invents Water Thermometer
    In 1593, Galileo invents the first Water Thermometer. This is the first thermometer ever to be invented. This is significant because sometimes we still use this today to measure the temperature. Source: ( Simon 264).
  • The Globe Theater

    The Globe Theater
    In 1599, the Globe Theater was built. Queen Elizabeth loved theater, and attended a lot of Shakespeare's plays. The Globe Theater was build by Shakespeare and mainly for Queen Elizabeth I to go there and enjoy the plays. This is significant because the Globe Theater was a major part of England back then. Source: (Eding 34).
  • Postal Agreement

    Postal Agreement
    In 1601, there was a postal agreement. This agreement was between Germany and France. This is significant because Germany and France could now send each other stuff. Source: (Simon 269).
  • Queen Elizabeth I Death

    Queen Elizabeth I Death
    Queen Elizabeth I died on March 24, 1603 at Richmond Palace in Richmond, Virginia. When she was 69, she no longer enjoyed dancing. Her eyesight was failing and letters had to be read to her. When the doctor examined her, she found that Elizabeth had sores in her throat. This is significant because since she had no kids to take her place after she died, she chose James the VI-King of Scotland to rule. She is now buried in Westminster Abby. Source: (Eding 45).