Eliz1 rainbow

Queen Elizabeth

  • Sep 7, 1533


    Queen Elizabeth is born to Anne Boelyn. I think this is pretty significant to Queen Elizabeth, because it's when she was born.
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Major Lifetime Events

  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn's Execution

    Anne Boleyn's Execution
    On may 30 Anne Boleyn is executed. Although Elizabeth was only three, I feel like this was pretty important, because she would grow up not knowing her mother. I'm sure she was always around a women figurehead, but a mother gives more guidence. I feel like this is influential on her life, because even without a mother she would grow to be a great ruler.
  • Jul 1, 1536


    Elizabeth is declared illegitimate by Parliament along with Mary. Illegitimate children were often looked down on, and this is one of the obstacles in Elizabeth's life that she had to overcome.
  • Mar 18, 1554

    Tower of London

    Tower of London
    At this point Mary Tudor has been proclaimed Queen. She felt that Elizabeth was a threat to her, so she sent her to the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a prison that everybody who wasn't killed were sent to. For the next two months Elizabeth would have a lot of time to think about her life, so I think it was pretty crucial. It was unfair, because she really hadn't done anything wrong, but she still probably gained a lot of knowledge.
  • Mar 19, 1554

    Release from the Tower

    Elizabeth is released from the tower, but is still confined to a town in Oxfordshire. This is an important moment because she has been wrongfully locked up, so being freed would be a big moment for anybody.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Mary dies, and Elizabeth is crowned the new Queen. Obviously this is a monumental moment in her life because she had been claimed illegitimate, and four years earlier she had been in prison for no reason. Becoming the Queen is important, and proves how she overcame the obstacles in her life.
  • Dec 18, 1559


    One of Elizabeth's acts as queen was sending sending aid to Scotland, because of the Protestant rebels. The choices you carry out as a political figurehead really defines the kind of leader you are. Elizabeth was persuaded by the people, and when you make the people happy you are a good leader.
  • Jul 6, 1560

    Mary, Queen of Scots

    Mary's claims to the throne are annulled, but she refuses to sign the treaty. This is important because her claims are threatening to Elizabeth's reign, yet she doesnt throw her in jail or kill her off. This is another time when Elizabeths character show who she really is.
  • Feb 25, 1570


    Queen Elizabeth is excommunicated by the Pope. Losing ties with another person of great power could of hurt Queen Elizabeths influence on some of the people.
  • Death

    Queen Elizabeth dies.