
queen eilzabeth l

By MsSloan
  • Aug 12, 1405

    family tree

    family tree
    Richard woodville, 1st earl rivers. then to Elizabeth howard. They maade anne boylen and Mary boylen. Anne boylen had maried king henrry VIII the king of England then they made queen Elizabeth and mary 1 queen of England and Edward VI king of England
  • Sep 7, 1533

    when queen elizabeth was born

    when queen elizabeth was born
    Elizabeth was born.
  • May 19, 1536

    Elizabeths mother died

    Elizabeths mother died
    Anne boylen had died in the tower of london she died because her husband henry vlll had grone tired of her wife. she was executed two and a half years after elizabeths birth.
  • Feb 6, 1553

    Edward VI

    Edward VI
    He exicuted his two half sisters and he died of a sickness.
  • Jul 6, 1553

    Mary of england

    Mary of england
    she became queen after Edward VI died. She was also known as bloody Mary. She tried to change everyones relligion to catholic and it ended in a dissaster lots of people got killed because lost of people dissagred with her this happened because it rose up aginst her.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    queen elizabeths adventure as a queen.

    queen elizabeths adventure as a queen.
    to support the establishment of an english church. Elizabeth never married or had any children. They say she was famous for not having children or marying any one. But beffore she became queen mary had to be exicuted
  • Nov 17, 1558

    when queen elizabeth became queen and her new adventure.

    when queen elizabeth became queen and her new adventure.
    she became queen when queen Mary died.when she first became queen she had to clean up all the mess that her step sister left for her. Some people say that she ruled for the good of people. and that more people supported her because she didnt try and change the countrys relligon. How she made her dissitions was that first she passed the dissition to the advisors to see what they thought of the rule beffore it actully taking place. Also, the first thing that she did was to support the.....
  • There's more resons

    There's more resons
    There are more reasons why queen elizabeth was inportant and fomous to history. unfortunally Queen Elizabeth died on 24th of march 1603 she was 69 years old.