Chapter 17.2 (2)- (Britain) Saint Patrick’s appearance.
Saint Patrick was one of the first missionaries to travel northern Europe, and he wasn't a missionary that was sent by the pope. In order to convert the people, he traveled from Britain to Ireland. Although most of the missionaries traveled together, Saint Patrick traveled alone. He did face resistance to his teachings from the people, he eventually converted the Irish people to Christianity. -
Period: 400 to 1200
The Early Middle Ages
Chapter 17.2 (1)- Charlemagne starts ruling
Charlemagne apeared in the later 700s. Not only he was a strong king and an amazing warrior, he also led the Franks into building their huge empire. His empire included all of what now is France, Austria, Italy, and northern Spain. To build his empire, he spend a lot of time at war. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Chapter 18(Europe)- The Later Middle Ages
Christianity was a major influence to people living on these ages. -
Chapter 17.4 (Europe)- William the Conqueror become king of England.
William was a french noble, who was a duke of Normandy in northern France. He decided to conquer England in 1066. William and his knights had a battle near the town of Hastings with the English king, and won. He then declared himself as king of England. He became known as William the Conqueror . -
Chapter 17.3 -(France) Eleanor of Aquitaine became the queen of France
Eleanor of Aquitaine became the queen of France when she married King Louis VII. She later than divorced with him and King Henry II of England. Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most powerful people of the middle Ages. -
Period: 1270 to
Chapter 19(Italy)- The Renaissance and Rerformation
This Chapter is about how the Renaissance changed the thoughts in Europe that led to reformation. The Renaissance began in Italy’s greatest trading cities. -
Chapter 19.2(Germany)- printing press was developed
Johann Gutenberg developed the printing press in the mid-1400s. The new printing press had movable letters that fitted into a frame which was way helpful than the former printing press. The former one could only print one thing per frame. They first fitted the letters into tht frame, then spread ink on it and pressed a sheet of paper against the letter. -
Chapter 19.1(Italy)- leonardo da Vinci is born
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest artists and scientist of all times. He painted the great Mona Lisa, and he left behind his notebook that was filled with ideas and sketches and drawings all the way from flying machine to the study of human bodies. -
Chapter 19.3(Germany)- Martin Luther reforms the church
Martin Luther raised his voice into reforming the Catholic Churches. He nailed ninety-five theses to the church door in Wittenberg. He never really wanted to leave the catholic churches just wanted to correct few mistakes. But after he got excommunicated, he started to depart from the Churches teachings more and more. -
Chapter 19: Modern day event- William Shakespeare
We still read the stories that William Shakespeare wrote while he was alive, like the “A Midsummer Night's Dream” which I really liked. He wrote many other stories that people now tell their children, or we just read for fun. We also have the plays “Romeo and Juliet” which is also a story he wrote.