Qualitative and quantitative resaerch

  • The philosphy mantanied a grip on social science

    The philosphy mantanied a grip on social science
  • Period: to

    philosophy mantained a grip on social science

  • Genesis with the debate with Auguste Comte

    Genesis with the debate with Auguste Comte
  • John Dewey questionaed the absolutism of positivism

    John Dewey questionaed the absolutism of positivism
  • Herber Spencer on "true science" accumulated through the study of pehenomena which can be phisically sensed

    Herber Spencer on "true science" accumulated through the study of pehenomena which can be phisically sensed
  • Sources of an educational science: pragmatism

    Sources of an educational science: pragmatism
  • The quantitative paradigm dominated the social science and the educational research

    The quantitative paradigm dominated the social science and the educational research
  • Period: to

    The quantitative paradigm dominated the social science and the educational research

  • Skepticism ruled over logical positivism

    Skepticism ruled over logical positivism
  • The structure of scientific revolutions; Thomas Kuhn the shifts in sicence dominated by existant paradigms

    The structure of scientific revolutions; Thomas Kuhn the shifts in sicence dominated by existant paradigms
  • Glaser and Strauss: qualitative data are often seemed as posterior from general interpratations

    Glaser and Strauss: qualitative data are often seemed as posterior from general interpratations
  • Culbertson argues that are issues, such as racial integration

    Culbertson argues that are issues, such as racial integration
  • Cook and Reichardt told that the resarch is a investigational method which can be separated from the world´s perspective

    Cook and Reichardt told that the resarch is a investigational method which can be separated from the world´s perspective
  • Michael Patton presents a diagram of what he calls "mixed paradigms" in his book: Qualitiative evaluation methods

    Michael Patton presents a diagram of what he calls "mixed paradigms" in his book: Qualitiative evaluation methods
  • Creswell intends to assist the researchers in making decisions in his book:

    Creswell intends to assist the researchers in making decisions in his book: