Angel island

Qing Zhao: The Story of a Chinese Immigrant

  • Qing is Born

    Qing is Born
    On this day,I was born.My mom tells me that I only saw my dad for the first week I was alive,then he moved to America to provide for us.So I never really met my dad until we moved to America in 1910.Back in China I always had a desire to learn,but there were no schools where I lived.Eventually my mom and I moved to America to meet my dad and for me to go to school.We hoped to earn a good life instead of a life in poverty.I’m writing this to show people that anything is possible.
  • New Opportunities for Qing

    New Opportunities for Qing
    Today we received a letter from my dad.The letter told us to come to America because it had been 10 years since he’d seen us.He also knew that I wanted to learn more than my mom had already taught me.I love my dad so much.He wrote that we had to act as his sisters to get into America.The Chinese Exclusion Act wouldn’t let every Chinese person in,so we just had to pray that we would get in.My mom and I excitedly began planning and packing.
  • The Trip for Education

    The Trip for Education
    Today was my last day in China.My mother and I boarded the steamship this morning.We were very nervous and scared about getting caught lying.We went over what we were supposed to say to the inspectors.On the 3 week boat ride,we became friends with other immigrants.They told us their stories and secrets and we told them ours.Every morning and every night I prayed we would make it into America.
  • Angel Island

    Angel Island
    Today was the most nerve wracking day of my life.Today was the day we were inspected at Angel Island,The last step in becoming an American citizen.My mother and I both passed the health inspections with ease.Now onto the hard part,the interview.At the interview we were asked many questions and they believed every word we said!I was so glad that we hadn’t got caught lying,that would’ve meant deportation.The very next day I would be able to speak to my father for the first time!
  • First Day at School

    First Day at School
    I will never forget this day. This day was the first day I’d ever been in a classroom.In the morning I was so nervous and excited,I was shaking uncontrollably.When my parents dropped me off I hugged them and anxiously walked in.I instantly fell in love with my school and learning.I also made many friends,some were immigrants like me.I was soon at the top of my class,as my dad had taught me a lot of English and my mom had taught me math in China.
  • Graduating and Moving On

    Graduating and Moving On
    “Qing Zhao.” I walked up to the stage to receive my high school diploma. I had made straight A’s all through high school.My parents were so proud of me,and I was proud of myself.I already had a scholarship for college to Cornell University.I wanted to study medics,so I could become a doctor. This just shows that even I,an Asian immigrant,can pursue my dreams.I hope you choose to pursue yours.