I was born -
Infancy (Physical): When did you start walking
I began to walk when I was around 1 year old. -
Infancy (Emotional): Were you securely/insecurely attached to your primary caregiver?
I was very insecurely attached as a infant, according to my mother! -
Early Childhood (Cognitive): Whats one way you remember your parents and/or teacher acting in a way that you know now helped your language acquisition?
Now that I am older I see now that my parents putting me in speech class was to help my language acquisition because I had traveled a lot growing up so my dialect was worse than the average child! -
Early Childhood (Emotional): What was your temperament like as a baby?
I was always talking, and very sassy and angry! Because I am the baby, I would always try and cry to get things going my way! -
Early Childhood (Emotional): How did family/Friends/Teachers describe you as a child?
They said I was either very quiet, too talkative, or just not paying attention ever. I usually liked to do my own thing as a child apparently! -
Early Childhood (Cognitive): What sorts of interests did you have as a young child? (2-4)
I loved playing with tons of toys and board games! -
Early childhood (Cognitive): Does this fit with the research on childrens concept formation and categorization?
Yes! It shows that children around this age mostly play with actual toys, unlike now in this generation whereas children play with electronic devices. -
Middle and Late Childhood (physical): How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activites did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
As a child around the age of 6-10, I had a lot of physical exercise. I was in swimming class. I loved being able to do something physical and that kept me going! I also played soccer!!! -
Middle and Late childhood (Physical): Describe which gross and or fine motor skills you used for the activites:
I used fine motor skills and gross to help me use my arms and legs to kick and push myself through the water, and also helped me think about not drowning! -
Middle and late childhood (Cognitive): Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence. Whats the concept of intelligence? How did this affect the way you thought about intelligence and yourself?
An experience was when we had to take the ACT's in school, and the other standardized testing. It did not affect the way I thought about my intelligence because I knew it was not a regular test but one that helped put all the students on a board and see where they each stood and what their weaknesses and strengths were. -
Adolescence (emotional): How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence?
He would describe it as being my friends, and the people around me who influenced me rather than my caregivers. -
Adolescence (Cognitive): Did you enter puberty early or late compared to your peers, and did it have any effect?
I entered puberty later, and it did have an effect on me but I knew what was coming because of everyone else before me so I did not feel as bad or worried when things began to happen and change! -
Adolescence (Physical): How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activites did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
I got physical exercise almost everyday because of PE class. We did a lot of things, including running the mile for the state. I was never really a fan of doing those sorts of things as I got older. -
Adolescence (Physical): Describe which gross or fine motor skills you used for the activites.
I used motor skills that helped me run and concertrate on what I was doing and how long I was doing it! -
Early Adulthood (Physical): How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activies did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity?
I don't exercise now that I am older because I dont have time and it really does not appeal to me! -
Early Adulthood (Physical): Describe which gross or fine motor skills you used for the activies.
I did not use any since I do not exercise!!! -
Early Adulthood (emotional): Think of your closest relationship now, whether thats a friend, family member, or romantic partner. How would you describe the attachment style?
I am very attached and secure when it comes to my friends, and relationship now! I think that is because growing up I was always attached to my parents and sisters. -
Early Adulthood (Emotional): What classification of sternbergs relationship is more appropriate now?
My relationship with my significant other and friends. This is because I am around them moreso than my family.