
Pure Soul Promotional Plan – Seth Ahlers

  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    Since we are new we will sample out little cups of coffee to the customers. This will help because people will get a taste and get to see how it is.
  • Coupon plan

    Coupon plan
    We will release the coupon for one week and that will be the first week we open. From this, it will lure people in to try it out and tell their friends. This will improve our image because people will see a lot of people coming in and others will want to check it out.
  • Coupons

    For the second week, we open we will release a coupon for buy one get one small free. You can buy any size and get a small size free with it. We can get the word out and the coupons from magazines or from people hearing about it. This will help lure people in and they can get a taste of what is there.
  • Traffic Builders

    Traffic Builders
    A traffic builder we will use is when you purchase a sandwich or any type of food you can get a medium coffee for $1. When most people get something to eat they want something to drink and this way they can get their sandwich and a nice drink at a good price. This will help because people like cheaper things so it will lure people in.
  • Incentives

    At the end of each month, we do a small raffle. How you get raffle tickets is from buying one item off the menu. You purchase one item you get one ticket. From the raffle, you could get instore credit and much more. From this, it gives another incentive when buying items off the menu.