
Pure Soul Promotional Plan - Mitchell Crawley

  • Coupon

    Buy one coffee and get one free! This needs to come first because it will help introduce our business to new customers and bring in new revenue.
  • Coupon Plan

    Coupon Plan
    Further implementing the buy one get one free coupon. The buy one get one free is a great idea for the business because it essentially allows someone to try our coffee for free. Once they try it and they realize how good it is they would bring more of their friends to try it and we would make more money.
  • Sweepstakes

    After buying 10 cups of coffee your punch card will be filled up and you will be entered in a contest that gives away free coffee for a year. This will encourage customers to buy more coffee because who doesn't want free things? This will help generate more profit for the business.
  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    Our business will use a billboard on the side of a busy highway or road near our shop. This will reach a lot of people and we can interest them with our giveaways and great deals. Doing this would allow us to sell coffee to not just people who live near us but also people passing by.
  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    As we start generating more and more customers it is important that we keep adding new selections. It is important that the customers try these new selections via samples so that we can sell more types of coffee. This can also reach out to new customers that aren't sure if they would enjoy our coffee, so we have samples so they can try it before enjoying.