Pure Soul Promotional Plan - Jeremy Hagen

  • Traffic Builder

    We will give out a free small coffee of your choice to the first 50 customers. This will start to get some customers in the store and attract some others.
  • Coupons

    Buy one get one free on any coffee you want coupon will be accessible through magazines and through our website online. This will attract more customers as they start to get deals on coffee.
  • Coupon Plans

    After every 5 coffees purchased, you will receive the next one half off. That coupon is redeemable either at the shop or online.
  • Product Samples

    Inside of the shop there will be free samples of new coffees that we would be willing to sell, the customers get to vote on which one we should sell next through the free samples.
  • Contest

    You can win a free reliable coffee mug with our logo on it that doesn't break when dropped and keeps your coffee at the perfect temperature. You can enter by signing up for our website to receive information about products and it offers rewards towards other coupons. 2 winners will be selected randomly.