
Pure Soul Promotional Plan – Ethan Sacharski

  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    we will offer the coffee and our image will be improved because we our higher viewed because we care about our customers by giving them discounts
  • Coupons

    I will offer a 10% off on coffee cake coupon if you buy a cup of coffee, this will be given when they buy the cup of coffee. This will improve the image of the company because people like to get discounts and if you offer discounts people will like you more.
  • samples

    we will offer samples of our new coffee flavor to customers when they order, these samples will be distributed from the front counter of the cafe, I chose this location because it will force the customers to come up and look at the menu before they get a sample of the coffee. This will improve the image of the company because people will know that we are coming up with new flavors for our coffee and not sticking with old boring flavors.
  • coupon plans

    coupon plans
    I will make a coupon plan for 1 free cappuccino if you buy 5 cappuccinos. These coupons will be distributed by hand in the store because they will have to come in and buy a cup of cappuccino to get it. This will improve the image of the company because people like to get discounts and if you offer discounts people will like you more. I selected this form of promotional strategy because I think it will draw more customers to come to my store.
  • Incentives (Contests/Sweepstakes)

    Incentives (Contests/Sweepstakes)
    I will host a sweepstakes to win a year's worth of coffee from our cafe. This will improve the image of the restaurant because more people will want to come to our cafe so they have a chance to win the years worth of coffee.