
Pure Soul Promotional plan - Brandon

  • 1st event (Coupons)

    I would start out with the cupons, in order to try and reclaim my business. I feel as though people are more likely to come when the prices are cheaper. The coupons would be a 20% off on all purchases of coffee, these do not stack.
  • 2nd event (Coupon plans)

    For the coupon plan I'm going for every 5th coffee is free for people because I feel like 5 is a good amount so that there aren't a lot of people who just give up, but also it's not too little that I'd be losing money.
  • Event 3 (Product samples)

    Product samples would be advertising a small portion of the available coffees, and it would be done at places like kwik trip and walmart, where a lot of people might be at certain times.
  • Event 4 (Traffic builders)

    As a traffic builder, every first 500 customers will get a complimentary coffee thermos. I put this at the 4th event because I wanted to make sure that I would have a good amount of customers before I started giving away some product.
  • Event 5 (Contest)

    The contest is about buying the most coffee. Who ever can buy the most coffee within a month timeframe, will win a pre paid trip to Fiji. I decided to make this the last event because in order to be able to afford to pre pay someone's trip to a place like Fiji, I would need to make sure that I get enough profit from everything.