The opening day we will have samples of our coffee because then people can get to know our products before they make their first purchase. We just want to make sure they are happy with their first experience -
We will be handing out samples first. This will happen probably our first day of being open so that people can be comfortable with our product before they make their first purchase. -
coupon plan
I want to do our sweepstakes about a few weeks later. This will establish the coupon plan for the rest of the time we're a business so we want to do this as soon as possible. This will give our customers a reason to always come to us so they can save money -
The sweepstakes will happen a few weeks after the coupon plan is put into place because it will grab more people's attention since we are just starting off as a company. The stickers and prizes will go on for about a month. -
coupon plan
We will apply this second about a month later. This needs to go second because it will last a long time. once we put this into place people will be able to use this for as long as they want. -
traffic builder
This will be a New Year traffic builder that will happen January 2nd. I feel this is a day to do this because people are going to have a chill day the day after new years so getting coffee will be something they will want to do. The amount of people getting prizes and how often they are handed out will not be told so the people will come in at all times and hope to win. -
These will start awhile after the last event because at this time we will have established an image and people know us, now we just want to keep their attention and keep giving them a reason to come to the store. The buy two get one free will last a week so that a lot of people come in during this short time