Elementary and Secondary Education Act
States were given funds to use for disadvantaged students. States distributed funds based on a formula taking into account the number of low income students in each school. -
Reclaiming our Nation at Risk
The report states that our system of education was not keeping up with the progress of other nations. It suggests that all schools adopt more rigorous standards and higher expectations for academic performance. -
Improving America's Schools Act
Required state academic standards and tests. -
Educate America Act
Provided federal funds to aid states in writing the content standards suggested in the 1994 Improving America's Schools Act. -
No Child Left Behind
Requires that states receieving federal funding agree to measure and report on results in terms of standards and accountablity. -
ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
Legislation failed to pass at the federal level, so the legeslation continued as is until it can be reauthorized. -
Race to the Top Grant Competition
The Department of Education is given money to distribute to programs of their choice. In order to get this money, states must implement rigorous standards and high-quality assessment, use innovative approaches to turn around struggling schools, and attract great teachers and leaders into the classroom. -
ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform
Contains proposals from the Obama Administration for changing NCLB when it is reauthorized. Only Congress has the power to write and pass this legislation. -
New Illinois Education Legislation
Illinois adopts common core standards and assessments, a new teacher evaluation system, new certification guidelines, new ways to identify low performing schools, and more charter schools. -
NCLB Waivers/Flexibility
States can request flexibility with regards to achieving 100% proficiency by 2014, the district approvement and accountability requirements, and the use of federal education funds. To get a waiver, states must develop a comprehensive plan designed to improve the transition to college, differentiated recognition/accountability, and supporting teacher and principal effectiveness.