Sputnik and the National Defense Ed Act
FIrst significant federal involvement in education funding with a large emphasis on math and science. Led to BSCS -
Elementary and Secondary Ed Act
ESEA provided federal funding for education programs for disadvantaged students in order to support equity in education. -
Reclaiming our Nation at Risk
A report that claimed our education system was not keeping pace with other nations. Held schools accountable by providing standards that needed to be met at tested. The results are available to the public. -
Improving America’s Schools Act and Goals 2000 Educate America
This included NCLB and started having public schools and states accountable for their students to meet certain standards by certain time points. -
ESEA Reauthorization: “No Child Left Behind”
Most funds are still for disadvantaged students and about 10% of public education costs are funded by the federal government primarily via NCLB -
ESEA Fails to be Reauthorized
legislation not reauthorized, instead continuing resolution passed so legislation continues "as is" until reauthorized. This continues to the present time -
Report: Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future
one of several reports with claim that the US is not training enough scientists -
Race to the Top Grant Competition
A small part of ARRA, the Department of Education is given money to distribute as it desires via a grant program. States must implement certain reforms in order to recieve grant money such as designing and implementing rigorous standards and high-quality assessments, attracting and keeping great teachers and leaders in America’s classrooms, supporting data systems that inform decisions and improve instruction, using innovation and effective approaches to turn-around struggling schools, etc. -
ESEA Reauthorization: A Blueprint for Reform
This document contains the Department of Education/Obama Administration proposals for changing NCLB when it is reauthorized. The executive branch can propose legislation, but it is written and passed only by Congress, and Congress may be in total disagreement with the executive branch -
Illinois Adoption of the Common Core Standards
Incorporates new standards developed by a large coalition of states for math and English language arts into the existing standards system -
Illinois Performance Evaluation Reform Act and 2011 Senate Bill 7
Requires and establishes guidelines for performance evaluation of all IL public school teachers and administrators -
Illinois Public Act 96-0107 Illinois Longitudinal Data System Project
Enables research and program assessment based on educational outcomes by linking program data, teacher evaluation data, and student achievement. -
Illinois Public Act 97-0607 (SB1799) Educator Certification and Licensure
Requires reconfiguration and strengthening of IL educator licensure system. Includes new standards and assessments for pre-service teachers -
Illinois Public Act 97-0152 (Revised) Charter School Law
Allows for more charter schools in IL as well as created the charter school commission -
NCLB Waivers/Flexibility
Sates can request flexibility related to NCLB provisions regarding the 2013–2014 Timeline for Achieving 100 Percent Proficiency, District and School Improvement and Accountability Requirements, and the Use of Federal Education Funds. To do this states must develop rigorous and comprehensive plans designed to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps and increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction. -
Illinois Flexibility Request Submitted
Results still unknown whether it has been granted or not