
Public Education - Change Does Matter

By Engle
  • World War I, Industrialization, and Public Educaiton

    World War I, Industrialization, and Public Educaiton
    Providing tests to measure achievements, stopping child labor, making attendance mandatory, and providing free education make this time period a vital component to public education. Almost a century later, these test are still used to gauge academic achievements. These changes altered class sizes, structure, and curriculum. Vocational Education is a by-product of industrialization and provides additional educational experiences.
  • Period: to

    Public Education and Important Historical Events

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    The importance of this event was allowing every student an opportunity for equal education. This law was vital for all minorities of any race, religion, or creed to ensure an equal opportunity for education. Diversity and special education could have been drastically altered if this law had not been passed.
  • A Nation at Risk and Public Education

    A Nation at Risk and Public Education
    The importance of A Nation at Risk is the strengthening of public education by enforcing accountability and rigor. Ultimately allowing students who were not mastering basic skills to receive the help they needed.
  • Virtual Education - Public Education for the Future

    Virtual Education - Public Education for the Future
    Is it possible that by 2019 over half of all high school classes could be taught over the internet? The opportunities to advance, recover and discover are endless for online education. These opportunities cut costs, provide credit recovery, and promote individual's special interests. Virtual education has paved a pathway to a better educational experience and opening doors making it a vital component to public education.
  • No Child Left Behind Act and Public Education

    No Child Left Behind Act and Public Education
    The No Child Left Behind is a vital component to public education because it has altered the teaching profession and student educational experience. The teaching profession has been consumed with analyzing and collecting data, curriculum building, and professional development. Second, struggling students have been allowed opportunities. The testing practices have produced accountability. These educational changes have both positive and negative affects on public education.